chapter 7

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The large shadow arose from the ground next to ozpin and his liege.

"a different world you say? An interesting concept. But, let us go to my office, where I can explain further with discretion."

Hans simply nodded.


In the dorm room of team RWBY stood ren and the four girls.

"now, you're likely wondering why I wished to speak with you today." The team nodded in agreement, each one were all wearing different shades of confusion.

"Well... I believe something is wrong with Mr günsche. But, I wanted to confirm with the rest of you." Weiss and Ruby were well aware of his... irregularities. But, blake and yang, were not.

"Me and Ruby... we were buying hans a scroll, but when we came back... he was staring straight ahead with panicked eyes." Yang was quite suprised.

"wait, so Mr günsche, the calm, cool and collected security guard was panicked?" The blonde was reasonably disbelieving of the statement that the heiress spouted.

"yeah... he was. He tried to say that he was all right but we didn't believe him. Then last night... he went up onto the roof and said you are a soldier, you are strong, like he was trying to calm himself." Ren started to piece it all together.

"his knight, that humanoid grimm he defeated... he came up to me in the library a few days ago. Wrote about what was happening to Mr günsche leading me to believe he has a mental health problem. However, it seems to be more severe than that... I believe, that Mr günsche suffers from severe hallucinations. Maybe due to a traumatic past from what you've seen." The 4 woman team seemed to agree with that statement.

"what do you suggest we do then?" He thought for a moment.

"all I can suggest is to try and help him over the trauma. But the issue is, we don't know the source of the trauma. And Mr günsche seems rather secretive so finding out the source of this issue will be almost impossible." The team were completely downcast about this.

"all we can do is try our best!" Only weiss seemed upbeat about this.

"I suppose that is true."


Inside of ozpins clock tower like office, stood a security guard and a headmaster. Or, a werewolf and a human.

"Well.... after what you've told me, and what I've observed, I've come to a conclusion. I believe I must trust you with this information." Hans looked down at the man, clueless to what he was talking about.

"you likely won't believe me, but, magic exists." The room fell into a dead silence, neither of the two men spoke, both had thoughts running wild.

'He didn't react? Could he have already known?!' Hans was suprisingly calm, because... it all made sense now.

'then... is that what besitz is? That would mean my weapons now are... magically enchanted? Would that be the right word? Does that mean my shadow soldiers are magic? Could it be caused because this second heart of mine has magical properties? A few answers cause many more questions.' The two stared at each other.

"it adds up. It helps to explain my shadow abilities, my hands strengthening and granting properties onto my pistols." The old wizard raised an eyebrow at this.

"granting properties? Please explain further."

"my right pistol pierces, the left shatters. I noticed immediately that something was wrong with them, as in the last 100 years I've had them, they've felt the same. But suddenly, they felt different."

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