chapter 25

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The two searched through the headmasters room. They searched for the weapons of hans günsche.

And they found them, not in the place you would expect. A hidden compartment within ozpin's desk. That was where hans found a pistol, his pistol. Of which one, that could only be tested through firing it.

Immediately, he aimed for the glass window that gave an overview of beacons landing, a squeeze of the trigger left a single, small, neat hole in the glass.

And merlin with an almost blown out eardrum.

"Jesus christ! Warn a girl before randomly firing a gun!" All she received was a blank look from the wolf as he threw the weapon into his shadow.

He continued to search, his mind on a single track.

Find the halberd.

"It's behind this wall." Hans approached the wall which she tapped with her staff. Then he proceeded to rip it straight out of the wall.

"I suppose brute force does the job." His halberd was similarly thrown into the shadows.

"So we stole two weapons from this room. Now what?" Hans wanted to correct her but it mattered little whether he stole or retrieved his weapons.

In the end, they were in his possession now. The only question merlin had in her mind was, what now?

'For now, we head to the town below. Check for survivors.' Merlin was surprised at the mans empathy. She didn't take him for the noble hero type.

And she'd be right. Hans was more the tragic villain in terms of storytelling. But those weren't topics he focused on, fiction is fiction. They'll stay in the pages of books.

How ironic it is that his companion is the legendary merlin ambrosius


"Weiss you need to stop! You're bleeding to much, your arm is shattered and you can barely stand!" Winters assessment of her younger sister was accurate.

Too accurate.

Weiss's body was a mess. Yet she still stood.

"Nothing a few glyphs can't fix. Now, let's continue." Winter could only be left baffled. What was driving her to the point of this madness? Does she feel no pain?

"Why... why are you going to these lengths?! Weiss!" The refined woman spat out an unhealthy amount of blood.

"It's a simple matter really. This world is sick. The older people who hold mass political power use it for their own ends. Corruption simply breeds more corruption. The faunus are oppressed here in atlas. There is not a single law here that favours them. The poor suffer. Here, the poor get poorer. The rich get richer... and the masses suffer. Atlas... no, mantle as a whole is nothing but a land of suffering that has stagnated as a result of those in power. I want to change the place of my birth. So it is not as disgusting to live in. All because of hans. I love him. And this complacent world that allowed terrorists to so easily sneak into Vale and bypass atlas security... it took him from me."

She could not say a single word. All this determination. This drive for betterment and improvement. All of this over a man who she had fallen in love with.

"You've changed." Weiss nodded as several glyphs painted themselves onto her skin, healing any wounds on herself. Her sister's shock was clear.

"Glyphs are a very malleable power sister. Time acceleration. Object acceleration. Gravitic manipulation. Direction alteration. Summoning. So long as I can think of a way to use them, I can. Of course, new abilities like these take time and the strength of the abilities will similarly take more strength from myself." A crushing weight was forced down upon winters shoulders.

The wolf's bloody pathOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant