Chapter 39

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A natural werewolf.

One who has complete control over their instincts.

The first step, is to not act. Indeed, the first step on a long road, is to not even take a step.

To reel in your instincts. As this goes on, you must not take a life. Or you'll forever be cursed to roam, a bloodthirsty wolf. On the path of carnage.

Hans wouldn't allow it. That's why he took precautions. The silver chains... it would've been nice if they didn't break. But it seemed that Summer was strong enough. And so, as he dodged, slash after slash, he needed to keep her attention on him.

'Eyes on me.' Summer reeled her head back, the sharp teeth of a werewolf were being bared on full display.

Grabbing the beasts maw, the captain slammed it shut, teeth flying from its gums.

And yet, to his shock, the teeth had already regrown.

'Her regenerations better than mine...' a strike to her chin pushed her back a bit, stumbling through the uneven terrain, Hans sweeped her legs out from under her and before she could even land, Summer had been kicked in the ribs like a footballer would a football.

The beast howled in agony, yet that agony didn't last long. Getting up again, he almost sighed.

'Not long now, only about half an hour. I just need to keep debilitating her.' The wolf seemed to have gained a meager amount of intelligence, contrary to its usual approach, it carefully walked towards him.

'This... isn't going to be easy.' Pulling out the mercenaries machetes, the mother wolf seemed to panic at the weight. My killing intent was severely magnified.

And the dog cowered.

The perfect opportunity to pin her down. A swift dash forward, impaling her with both blades through the gut. Her howls and whimpers of pain crying straight into my ears. With a headbutt, I pulled the blades out of her, knocking her onto her back.

Now that it's later into the night, she's weaker. And so now its possible.

Stabbing the blades into the ground, the rose matriarch desperately tried to carve through my stomach, easily tearing through my shirt, yet the layer of flesh was different.

Summer was doing damage, just not much.

Grabbing her right hand, I held it down with my left, making a short spear in my right. Tensing the muscles in my arm, I drove the spear into her left hand.

Her whimpered cries almost made me hesitate.


But this is for her own good.

Grabbing her other hand, I repeated my semblance usage, before nailing in the other spear. Blood pooled from her palms, staining the snow red.

Just to be sure, I drove one of the machetes into her stomach.

Definitely overkill. But I'd rather not take any chances.

Both with her, and with myself.

I won't die. Not yet.

Creating a chair from ice, I took a seat as I observed her struggle. The chair was uncomfortable, but comfort wasn't why i made it. It was simply to rest my legs in case she breaks free.

And now, we wait.


Summer had suffered the pain of starvation.

For the entire night. And all she could do, was trust.

The second step of becoming a natural werewolf, is to have someone observing you. Someone strong, someone who can restrain you for the entire night.

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