chapter 33

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Ozpin said he was sending a bullhead to pick us up, I wonder how long it will take.

However, progress has been made with my replacement arm. I can now feel the entirety of the arm, but I'm only able to move my pointer finger.

'Cheer up, Hans. You'll be able to move it all in around a week if what you just thought is any clue.' That's nice to think, but alot can happen in that week. Wishful thinking.

"Ara~? You two are as close as usual." Merlin appeared, staff in hand, smirk on face.

'Where have you been?' Succubus or not, I can't know what she did.

'How rude! Implying that I sleep around, you shouldn't say such things to a lady!'

'Even if I fits?' That's strange, but I guess it's expected. If I linked my own soul with Neo's, it makes sense that she can speak through our connection.

'You... linked your souls? Do you even understand how dangerous that is? If one of you dies, both of you will. You're telling me, that you're both fine with that?'


'Of course.'

I think we broke her. For a magus, she seems to underestimate the lengths that people will got to over what she considers trivial matters.

'Neo is the one of the few that had made me happy. Merlin, you know of War, right? A battle between nations all for the good of one. Despite the civilian casualties, despite the horrific pain the soldiers feel, despite the life changing injuries they experience. Do you know, what it's like to be the one who caused all of that?' The magus couldn't believe my words, the mere implication of committing such atrocities.

Neo looked at me with an uncomfortable look, I could easily tell she wanted to ask more about the why, but I was waiting on Merlin.

"But... no, why? Why would you do that?" Firmly, I planted my hands on her shoulders, staring her dead in the eye.

'Because, I didn't have a choice.'

"There's always-"

'I couldn't control my own bodies actions, I had no choice in the matter. I was conscious of it, every second of the way. And I could do nothing but sit there, as I murdered, slaughtered and brutalised Men, women and children. I was a prisoner in my own body.' I don't often speak this much, but i wanted to make a point.

'For once, in my long life, I am back in control. And I'm... enjoying it, despite still having to fight, I don't care because for once, in the last 60 years, I have had a choice. It's been my choice, my own free will.' This has truly been an amazing experience, all the pain I've experienced during my stay here cannot compare to having free will again.

"And here I thought my life was sad, being trapped in Avalon with only the ability to watch my world, the only thing to look forward to was the end of the world." Really? That... is sad.

Neo hugged Merlin, a... fair gesture. Now that I think about it, Merlin has helped me along the way.

But I haven't helped her.

'Merlin... someway, somehow, I'll free you from that tower.' It was the only thing I could actually do to help her. And if I had to make any assumptions, I could likely use either my divinity or my left arm to possibly break any of the anchors that tie her to Avalon.

But those are just assumptions.

"Hey! You lot! The bullheads here!"

"Well... seems like it's time to go. Thank you, Hans. Even if you don't do it, I appreciate the thought." No...

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