
I'm so enraptured by the control in Changbin's voice that I almost miss the moment when Jisung takes the center. His speedy verse starts and I turn to Sooyun with a smirk, taking in the way her eyes are goggling up at the stage in pure amazement. His charismatic facial expressions do not make it better.

"I want it, till we serve them all..."

One particular iconic move has a good portion of the audience clapping in a mixture of excitement and amusement, the moment when they all synchronously bring their hands up as if they're eating ramen. I cannot contain my laughter as I catch Hyunjin making an overly sassy expression. I love it.

Chan and Seungmin's vocals follow the rap verses and I am once again amazed by the perfect live vocals. How does one stay so stable while rapping that fast and singing so in tune, all while dancing a complicated choreo?

When the song reaches the chorus, it's like the entire auditorium experiences a whiplash.


Hyunjin takes the center and I can practically feel all the girls around me simping for him, not just because of his handsome face with his hair tied up, but also his facial expressions. He's like the king of facial expressions.

My heart skips a beat when Minho steals Hyunjin's center, and my brain provides the unnecessary thought of just how perfect he looks on stage. Well, he always looks perfect anywhere.

I really like him.

My eyes remain stuck on Minho even after the center changes, and it's only when the chorus ends that I am forced to rip them off.

"Cooking like a chef, I'm a five star michelin..."

Every single person occupying the auditorium makes a collective gasp when the chorus ends, including me. Because it's at that moment that Felix starts singing with his deep voice. His piercing gaze seems to cut through every person here and it's nothing like the Felix I know and love. The duality is driving me crazy but it's the most amazing thing ever.

The singers, Chan, and Hyunjin each have a part before the pre-chorus replays and I clench my seat in anticipation for a returning chorus. Usually, when I watch my friends practice, I'm completely focused on the dancing. But somehow, there's so much going on right now that I'm having a hard time taking it all in, let alone the dancing. The song is just a masterpiece.

The chorus never comes. What does return is Felix's deep voice and I think everyone died. Again.

They do some cool arm movements before Hyunjin springs up from a squatted position, surprising everyone.

"Ne sonnim! DUDUDU!"

The chorus returns again and this time I take the opportunity to observe the choreography. I realize how similar it is to the concept: first they chop the veggies with the cutting board, then they wipe their hands, then they use the mixing bowl, then they sprinkle salt, and finally they serve the completed platter in an overly fancy way. It's genius.

Changbin's verse ends the song the same way it began, and the eight boys make one last "DUDUDUDUDU" before the final beat drop.

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