(S4) rising!

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The air was tipped with a strange scent as we see Blossom, Cherry, and Kira walking through the jungle as Cherry focused on Kira as she seemed slightly irritated.

"Kira... Are you sure you're ready for whatever we might face?" Cherry questioned as Kira continued trekking and went passed blossom as she had a glean in her eyes. Cherry looked at her before sighing as the three continued walking.

They soon found themselves in a clearing as the sound of talking was heard with them seeing a rather inappropriate set of hell beasts doing the "deed" with blossom not seeming phased as cherry went green in the face before turning and vomiting with Kira simply getting up and walking past the hell beasts. Cherry and blossom soon following her.

Kira couldn't tell how long it's been since they left camp, how many miles she's walked. All she could feel was a pull as her legs kept moving despite how much they ached. "I'm coming for you frost.. count on it" Kira spoke to herself.

Our vision changes to the camp as Johnson, lucius and Xander were entering camp as they saw Hades fuming as he stood infront of Helios who didn't seem amused by the annoyed Olympian.

"I'm telling you, blossom asked what was the fastest way to Asmodeus, I told the truth. Now shut up before I punch you." Helios spoke surprisingly calmly as Hades groaned before face palming.

"For Zeus's sake, HELIOS! We need Blossom here and safe! If the prince returns and finds out-" Hades spoke before lucius cleared his throat as both turned and looked at the trio as Lucius seemed... Calm, too calm.

"So.. mind explaining where my sister is?" Lucius spoke calmly as Hades took a deep breath before exhaling. "Your majesty, it appears your sister and two of your friends have left to find Asmodeus." Hades spoke as Helios snapped his fingers to show a fiery form of Kira, Blossom, and Cherry as Lucius' mouth went thin as Xander seemed to almost twitch as Johnson just grumbled.

"Why am I not surprised they are pissed." Johnson spoke bluntly before we cut to Frost sitting in her cell with Leviathan. Before the two overhear a few panicked guards heading towards their cell.

"We need to get the human girl transfered." One guard spoke as Frost raised an eyebrow. "Absolutely. Otherwise we with get killed by that freak of a woman or by Asmodeus" the other spoke as Frost seemed to smirk.

Outside of Asmodeus's prison Kira stood infront as she was surrounded by guards with Blossom and Cherry on either side of her. Some guards were already unconscious, or dead. Kira huffed softly as she puts her hands on her knees.

"That's 22. How about you cherry" Kira questioned as she looked at the red-head. "16." Cherry simply replied before the sound of heels on the floor are heard as Asmodeus arrives.

She scowled at the three. Before clapping her hands together-

Suddenly however, everything is paused. As we pan out to see a young man viewing this world from afar as he grumbled softly. "No, no, damnit. This is too fast. Where's the subtlety?! Kira, cherry, and blossom aren't nearly as strong as Asmodeus." The young man groaned as he sat down on a chair that emerged out of nowhere. He stared at the world before taking out a strange device. "I was hoping this would go more smoothly... But something is missing, and I still can't get rid of nemesis for some reason... Maybe I could just-" he spoke as he tapped the device as everything started to rewind before he stopped at the view of Johnson as his mother's grave.

"Now... Let's do this once more. With passion." He spoke as we end

Nexus: ogre slayer.


So uh. Yeah I'm restarting this series. Not unpublishing it I just really feel like I can remake this into a much more refined form.

I'm sorry this is a cop out basically but for right now I'm not gonna be writing anything N:Os related.

So uh yeah... That's it for now.

I'll still be updating Rwby fate but right now? I need a break.

nexus: Ogre Slayer Where stories live. Discover now