(s1) ogre Beast attack!!: inari festival under threat part 2

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We see Xander and Jay get off the transport as Jay took off his backpack they had carried around. He then took out a remote pressed it and then the backpack transformed into a command center.

"I see you haven't changed your technology at all Jay." Xander said as Jay started typing away at his computer. "How else am I supposed to connect to the mech lobbies I've created hundreds of." Jay retorted.

Xander shook his head and then went along with every other Hunter to evacuate the civilians from the festival.

Once they got into the festival the hunters immediately started evacuating the entire area leading families to safety halting all rides and taking off anyone who was still on a ride as well as overall creating an area to where there'll be able to have little to no casualties. The hunters then took out all their weapons and got into their battle positions.

It was going to take a while for Jay to connect to his mech lobbies so the main idea of the hunters was to simply take down as many ogre beats as possible until Jay was able to completely lock down the area and then access one of his mechs.

As they waited with their weapons drawn a ogre boar put its hands on top of the ginormous fence that surrounded the entire festival. And in one fluid motion the Beast tore down the fence as its eyes glowed pink like every other ogre boar. Then five over stags stormed the arena as well as every other ogre Beast.

Xander looked around and started to assess the situation there was currently 12 hunters ready to go into action each one of them was either a rank five or one.

Considering how they each probably have enough skill to take down a single ogre Beast it would make sense for them to stick to fighting one.

Xander ready to sword and after looking around for a bit he had the perfect plan. "Kangaroo style fang three. Outback bolt!" Xander shouted as he leaped forwards towards a pipe and turned his body to the correct angle to land on said pipe then bouncing off it having his sword sheathed.

He was headed straight towards one of the ogre hounds as it reared it's ugly head and opened its quadruple hinged jaw to its fullest as it released a Sonic howl towards the other hunters. Xander could feel his momentum starting to slow. He needed to find something to bounce off of.

He looked around but saw nothing until a giant mechanical hand shot its way through and went right under Xander allowing him to jump off it.

'jay I swear you have the most convenient timing' Xander thought to himself as he landed onto the blue mechanical arm and leaped off it gaining back a lot of the momentum he had lost. Xander unsheathed his sword winded his blade back. As he got closer he swung his sword absolutely cleaving the Beast neck in half.

Then the mechanical hand caught Xander as another one emerged and slugged one of the ogre boars in the face.

Then we see the colossal mech known as atlas. it's long spray painted cobalt arms powered by Pistons and motors as well as a gear system that allowed the arm to move and bend like that of a human. It's legs were equal as long if not longer. Then we see it's supposedly muscular upper body with a giant window in its chest cavity its head was absent.

Then we hear the familiar voice of jay saying "ganbare motherfuckers.". Then the ogre stages reared their horns as a thunderstorm approached.

Then a bolt of lightning struck the antlers of the Beasts as their mouths started glowing.

Then both the ogre stags and ogre hounds opened up their mouths and the ogre hounds released a devastating Sonic screech and the ogre stags released a giant beam of electricity.

All of the attacks seeming to be aimed at the hunters and the mech. This would normally be the end for any normal person.

"God speed!" A voice shouted Then two bolts of red and purple electricity fly by and turn into Johnson and Lucius as Lucius threw his axes as they absorb the electricity and into the ogre hounds mouths. He then closed his fists "Zeus Divine thunder!" Lucius shouted as purple electricity erupted from the ogre hounds tearing them apart from the inside out until they were nothing but Ash. Meanwhile Johnson prepared his blade and swung it into one of the ogre stags antlers cutting both of them off.

Then Lucius grabbed Johnson after his axes returned to him using his concentrated electromagnetism. "Godspeed" lucius shouted as he and Johnson turned back to red and purple lightning and zipped down to the ground.

When they got down there Johnson high fived Lucius as they watched as the ogre Beasts retreated.

The mechanical hand went downwards and landed on the ground as Xander hopped off it. "What the hell are you two doing here I thought you were at base!" Xander shouted frustrated.

Johnson turned to Xander "well Mr grumpy pants what we just did was take down the rest of the ogre Beast without even having to kill all of them we scared those fuckers off with our sheer strength that my friend is an accomplishment!" Johnson said proudly.

Xander sighed "well at least everyone's safe and I would be normally pissed at you two but considering how you did help us finish the job I can't really get mad at you for that" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Alrighty then everyone head back to the transport" Jay said through the mechs megaphone.

Objective: protect the inari festival from ogre beasts.

Status: Victory


All right that's that hope you guys enjoy this page see you later

Rock on till Ya drop tata f-


We see a masked figure standing over a building watching as every Hunter got onto the transport yet mainly focused on Johnson. The masked figures emerald eye glowed bright red.

End of season 1


See you next time mother fuckers ⚡🔥💧

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