(s4) entrance. pt 3

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Frost just stood there unfazed. Then a small a white and blue Sparrow landed on her shoulder. "Shall we popsicle this worm?" A voice in frost head spoke.

Frost shoke her head. She opened her hand as snow and ice formed into a hammer In her hand. She twirled it and pointed it to the beast.

Then frost leaped up into the air some how launching herself towards the Beast and bashed it with her hammer.

The beast reeled back roaring in agony, Frost smiled softly and the hammer grew to a cartoonish size.

"DEKA NO YUKI" frost shouted as she brought down the hammer again. But as it was heading to the beast, the hammer shattered. As we see a man with white hair and wore black glasses with green lenses.

Mammon had arrived.

Mammon looked up at the girl and summoned golden chains which wrapped around her, very very tightly.

Mammon floated to her and punched her into the ground HARD. She hit the ground making CRACK! Her body ached as if she had been shattered into pieces but could still feel it.

Frost groaned and curled up. "Worthless mortal. You wouldn't even make a good token." Mammon said. He floated down towards the girl and landed on the ground.

His devil horns grew more wild looking like antlers. He hunched over and his hands grew larger and became claws.

The wendigo of avarice, mammon Blackwell.

He knelt towards frost and open his maw. Then we hear the pounding of foot steps as Xander came in, his eyes glowing green as hundreds of souls appeared and followed behind him. He unsheathed his sword and sliced mammons head off

With lucius and Johnson they stood ready for a fight. Hades paid that no mind. "Young prince. The plan is coming into being" he spoke. Lucius eyes just stared at Hades.

"You mean....its happening?" Lucius said as Hades noded. Johnson was just confused. "Wait, what the fucks happening?" Johnson asked.


Ok....here we fucking go. Ogre slayer season 4 will keep going. I just need to learn not to worry.

Anyway rock on till ya drop tata fuckers 🤟


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