(s1) ogre Beast attack!!: inari festival under threat part 1

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We began in Hunter HQ as a red alert blares out. Johnson, Lucius, xander, jay and some other hunters all emerged from the barracks. "What the hell it's been 11 days since the last red alert!" Jay shouted as a flat screen TV descended from the ceiling and started playing a audio.

"Attention hunters there's been a report of 12 ogre beats approaching the inari festival in the Tokyo district. 13 of you will be dispatched. Your mission is to evacuate the festival and then promptly either kill or dispel the ogre beasts" the audio said as a few hunters looked around and nodded to each other.

"Your transport will be waiting for you in the front of HQ we only need 13 hunters with a Hunter rank of 5." The audio continued then finally stopped playing as the TV was then lifted back up into the ceiling.

"Wait what do you mean by Hunter rank of five" Johnson asked confused. "Oh you see every Hunter starts off at rank 10 which is the lowest rank. And zero being the highest" jay answered. "So basically leveling up?" Johnson said as Jay and xander nodded.

"Well then I guess me and Lucius are out of the equation. alright you two what Hunter rank are you at?" Johnson asked.

"I'm at Hunter rank 4 and Jay is at Hunter rank 5" xander said. "Well alrighty then get going people are in danger!" Lucius said.

Jay and Xander nodded and headed to the transport. They got on along with 11 other hunters and the transport Departed.

"So I guess you got a new team now huh?" Jay asked looking at Xander. Xander looked back then sighed "yeah I guess.... Okay look Jay I'm sorry I left but-" Xander said "no I get it you didn't want..... you didn't want another rin to happen...." Jay said looking down.

".... This is more then just about me having a partner isn't it?" Xander asked. Jay didn't say a word. "Jay. answer me." Xander said sternly.

"Why did you have to leave me..... I get the fact that rin dying sucked but.... I thought what we had was special!" Jay said. Xander shook his "so it is about me breaking up with you. Look Jay our relationship was failing. you wanted to retire have kids but I wasn't ready I still care for you but that spark we once had is dead our relationship is dead." Xander said bluntly. Jay sighed and they simply didn't talk for the rest of the ride.

The transport finally stopped and the doors opened the hunters exited the transport and saw 5 ogre stags, 3 ogre hounds and finally 4 ogre boars. No wonder this hunt was was rank five and up required. This was an invasion.


Oh you thought I was done spoiling my fans well guess what I'm not enjoy this part and then get ready for tomorrow's next part.

Seriously these parts are getting more easier to write now that I'm on summer break.


Rock on till ya drop tata fuckers 🤟

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