(s4) HIGHWAY TO HELL! pt 2

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We see Johnson coming into his apartment and saw rilla. She sat on his bed and was abit pale. "Heya rilla. What's up?" Johnson asked.

Rilla looked at him before taking a deep breath. "Johnson. You know I love you correct?" She asked her voice slightly Shakey. Johnson smiled softly and nodded before ruffling her hair. "Of course I do rills. Why else would I want to get to meet your folks." Johnson said with a grin on his face.

Rilla blushes Abit before gently removing his hand from her head. "About that. My parents.... Their... Their at their finally month. They'll die soon. I... I want to spend my last few moments I have with them but they live all the way in Oklahoma. And I know you can handle yourself but..... I'm worried Johnson. I'm worried that when I leave you'll get yourself killed and.... I really don't want that" she said as she looked at him. She had tear stains as Johnson looked at her.

"Rilla..... I love you but.... My friends need me right now. My friend lucius... He's in a lot of shit. He needs me and Xander." Johnson said softly as he hugged her. She hugged him back.

"Then... I can't stay any longer.... Your friends mean a lot to you. I know that. And I'm glad I met you but-" she spoke before Johnson kissed her deeply and tears streamed from both of their eyes. They would kiss for the last time.

We then see frost just standing outside the door. She sighed. Of course this was coming. Rilla was out of his league.

Frost walked away as a Blue bird landed on her shoulder. Frost took out a lollipop and put it in her mouth.

Our vision changes to that of Hades and Lucius arriving at the Hunter foundation. "So this is where you and princess blossom stay? I expected some kind of Palace or perhaps humans have no dignity of respecting royalty" hades spoke. Lucius sighed. He opened the door we see a mechanical fist shoot past lucius as jay came out from his shop.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT! NOT AGAIN!" Jay shouted as he ran past lucius and Hades. Hades groaned as he and Lucius Continued to lucius and blossoms room.

They stopped I front of the door to the siblings room and lucius opened the door and saw his sister peacefully asleep. Lucius smiled softly and motioned Hades to stay back abit, Hades noded and lucius entered and shut the door. He sat next to his sister and tapped her head.

She stirred awake and looked at her brother. "Hey lulu." She spoke smiling softly as lucius smiled back.

"Hey there Blossom. How you sleep?" Lucius asked as his sister thought for a moment before snapping back to reality. "I slept great big bro. How were you?" She asked while yawning.

"My day was good sis, but .... It's time" lucius said as Blossom looked at him, her eyes widen. "You mean....it's already happening?" Blossom asked her voice Abit Shakey, remembering the last time they saw their home. Lucius nodded before hugging his sister.

We see Hades standing outside of the twos door and pulled out a locket and opened it, as we see a black haired woman wearing a purple and red gown as a blue flaming halo was above her head, roses surrounded her as she was smiling.

"I'll return to you my love. And when I do. Hell will be a safe place for you again" Hades spoke softly. He then saw jay standing infront of him.

"What is it mortal?" Hades voice return to it's cold demeanor. Jay took a deep breath. "Xander's in danger isn't he." Jay spoke. Xander? Oh right the stupid one. Hades noded.

"Let me go with you and lucius then." Jay said as Hades looked at him miffed but before her could say anything the door opened as lucius stepped out.

"You'll be fighting demons. You sure about this?" Lucius asked. Jay noded as blossom stepped out wearing a orange gown.

"I've dealt with ogre beasts. Demons can't be that different. Besides. If it's Xander. I'll do anything to keep him alive" jay said. We then see a familiar person in a black suit with a blue tie listen. Lance sighed. Great looks like he'll be babysitting his brother again.

We then see Johnson, xander, lucius, jay, Hades, frost, blossom, cherry, and kira standing infront of the portal.

"You sure about this cherry? It's really dangerous. Your human and-" lucius said "humans are fragile? Lucius, I'm going with you. I might not have super powers or any knowledge of hand-to-hand combat but I have guns" cherry interrupted as she took out her two pistols, rouge and fade.

Lucius sighed. He simply noded and turned to Hades. "These three are coming with." Lucius said as Hades noded. The 9 entered the portal as silhouette followed behind. As we see they arrived in the first circle of hell. The ring of hatred.


FUCKING FINALLY! WE MADE IT LADIES AND GENTS THE CREWS ALL HERE. With one sad departure. Cya later rilla. You will be missed.

BUT NOW the war for all of hell. The war that will decide a world's fate. Will lucius overthrow his father?

Will Johnson ever find love? Will Xander ever get any respect? Find out next time on-

Ogre slayer Z

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