(s1) in the abyss.

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Long ago before I was even born my father Lucifer battled against his very creator and lost.

He and my mother Lilith were sent into the abyss known as hell as well as every other entity that followed behind my father's vision of freedom through uncontrolled chaos.

After all of them fell each of them became one of the seven deadly sins which would be passed down to their children.

Asmodeus empress of lust.

Leviathan, cruel temptress of envy.

My uncle Mammon overlord of greed and avarice.

Helios, the hateful sun the embodiment of wrath itself.

Beelzebub, the soul consumed by gluttony.

My mother became the embodiment of sloth.

And finally me and my father the embodiments of pride.

A title I despised.

I am lucius Blackwell, Prince of hell heir to the throne my father so arrogantly keeps. Now I'll wait my father's death so I may undo his wrongs and not only get rid of hell but restore humanity to the blessed form they had long ago.

The time of Eden.

I seek that.

We see Lucius standing in a hallway with his mother. As the new sin of pride he must come to these councils every new moon.

"Are you certain about this mother I mean what will the council think" lucius asked as his mother fixed his crown and cloak.

"It doesn't matter what the council thinks what matters is that there is a new pride someone who can make a difference." Lilith said.

"I know but with blossoms coronation coming up maybe the others will grow suspicious of our plan even father might-" lucius spoke before Lilith hushed him.

"Once your sister takes my place then there will be the greatest of changes." Lilith said.

The two entered the council room and saw the other sins waiting Mammon seem like he's about to blow his top.

"Oh hello lucius!" Beelzebub said smiling happy to see someone different. Then mammon gib slapped him "hush beezle." Mammon spoke.

"Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Levi, Helios, and Mammon, lucius coronation has been completed and now he has joined the sins as pride" Lilith spoke. "Lilith, shut the fuck up." Mammon said.

Mammon, always keeping the same facade of just a impolite asshole when in truth. He was MUCH worse.

Lilith sighed "regardless there is still an issue, judgement day is getting close, to close." She continued.

"This is why we should have already began the horsemen, while those ogre beast didn't exist" Mammon spoke with annoyance.

"SoOOooo what? It's not like they can with stand a demon!" Asmodeus said taking her cigarette out her mouth as she put her.... assets on the table.

"We all know you just want to have everyone indulge themselves with drugs and fuck Asmodeus." Levi said as she couldn't resist staring at Asmodeus massive, Melons.

"So? What's wrong with that? Life is a gift! Let's enjoy it~" Asmodeus flirted with her fellow sin.

Lucius just sat in his chair and listened. "Sister calm yourself" Beelzebub said puting a hand on Levi's shoulder.

Levi just scoffed at Asmodeus as she slumped into her own chair.

Asmodeus then turned to Beelzebub, "hey hot stuff wanna ditch and get some good stuff?~" she spoke, "weren't you the one who implanted your own childs soul into a humans body?" Beelzebub retorted.

"Ah she's just fine in fact she moved to that big fancy city with her cousin" she said. "What does that have anything to do with this situation?!" Helios shouted as flames erupted from his eyes.

After the meeting Lucius was in his family's library. "Where is it, where is it, where is it?!" Lucius said in annoyance as he scavenged through books. "Where is what?" The voice of his sister rang out, he turned to see his younger sister blossom smiling up at him.

"Oh nothing just looking for a book." Lucius said clearly lying. "Your wanting to leave hell aren't you" blossom said. Lucius just stood there. "Yeah....." He admitted.

"Why tho?" Blossom asked, "think about it if I'm able to go up to the human world then I can make a bigger difference than when I'm in here." Lucius answered.

"Dads gonna be mad" blossom retorted. "Dads to busy when it comes to moms neediness." Lucius responded.

"Well what about your 'plan'?" blossom said

Lucius face palmed remembering that he has to be here. Otherwise this whole thing will be for nothing.

Lucius sat down contemplating what to do. "Couldn't I just go out through the gate and come back?" Lucius asked.

"The gate is guarded by hades. Moron" Blossom answered. Lucius sighed. "I take it there's no books that can open a portal" Lucius said blossom noded as lucius groaned.

"Well.... Beelzebub does have something like that in his library." Blossom answered


Omg that was long anyway sorry this took awhile

Rock on till you drop tata fuckers

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