(s3) rematch

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Johnson knelt over his bleeding stub of an arm. He managed to look up seeing Nemesis looking at his torn off right arm he then toss to the side and then knelt down towards Johnson grabbing him by the chin and forcing him to look at nemesis.

"Now do you understand why your beneath me? or do I need to pound it into your skull even more." Nemesis said in a calm voice his eyes glowed green.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY BOYFRIEND" Rilla shouted as she somehow slammed a steel chair into nemesis's face. It barely sent him back tho he had no reaction. He turned his gaze to rilla.

"...so your the nora of this world... interesting" he said. Nora. Nora, Nora Nora Nora Nora Nora Nora Nora Nora Nora Nora Nora Nora Nora Nora NORA! HOW THE FUCK DID HE KNOW JOHNSON MOTHERS NAME?! Johnson's eyes went from green to Black as his left arm was consumed by raging red flames that then spread to what was left of his right arm it then started to form what was once there as Johnson now saw himself in front of salamandra.

"Now is your time to earn your name of purgatory child. unleash the demon that lies within you unleash-" salamandra said.

Then we cut back to Johnson as The flames that made up his loss right arm then turned to flesh and Bone as we see he had just regrown his right arm. "SALAMANDRA" Johnson and The flaming dragon shouted in unison inside of Johnson's body as crimson and white flames consumed him.

Then Nemesis turned his gaze to the flame that was once Johnson as a massive flaming claw erupted and curled itself into a fist and slugged Nemesis in the face.

Then the flame revealed itself to be Johnson having flaming draconic claws hovering over his own fist as if there's some kind of armor, he also had a strange flaming tail that connected itself to his jacket along with long twisting white antler like horns made of fire.

His black eyes change to a combination of red and his original Green eyes. This was the true power of salamandra.

Salamander awakened, mode 7: Raphael.

"The amount of fucked you have just uped is stupendous" Johnson said as we see salamandra flying around Johnson as if it was his guardian.

He then looked at rilla and she nodded and then immediately ran for cover. We then see Lucius and Xander getting up Xander groaning as Lucius tried to ignore the pain he was currently feeling in his wrist.

"Boys. Sit back for this. Don't need you tiring yourselves out" Johnson said. Lucius and Xander nodded and then headed to a safe space and sat down.

Johnson brought his fist together and cracked his knuckles as Nemesis adjusted his pose as he appeared to be smiling.

"It appears the child is attempting to grow up" nemesis said. Johnson rolled his eyes as he then lunged towards Nemesis and swung at his mask. Nemesis stopped before gut checking him. Johnson hunched over before getting back up "you know I'm really getting sick of that move" he said before grabbing Nemesis by the head and started gut checking him.

"You're about to lose your breakfast your brunch your lunch and your dinner!" Johnson shouted as he kept slamming his fist into Nemesis's gut. Before then throwing him into the ground.

Johnson then leaped up and raised his hand as a massive ball of fire appeared and then threw it down towards nemesis.

He waited for an explosion but then we seen Nemesis standing on his feet holding the ball before sending it back to Johnson by punching it.

Johnson then prepared his foot and kicked it upwards that way when it leaves the atmosphere it'll dissipate that or it explodes in the air either one works.

Johnson then landed and lunged towards nemesis as Nemesis leaped up and then hit Johnson in the back as soon as he got under nemesis.

The force of the punch sent Johnson onto his belly as we then seen Nemesis stand over him his eyes glowing red as black flames started to surround his fists.

"Now this is what I wanted. this is what I needed. it's been 500 years since I've had a good fight!" Nemesis said as Johnson then got up. "500? if you're that old how come you're not crusty and Dusty old-timer?" Johnson remarked.

Then Johnson swung his fist towards nemesis's mask knocking it off his face.

Then there was silence as Johnson just stared in absolute horror. What he expected was just to see a random guy's face but instead he saw a face someone with emerald eyes blonde hair and a face sculp that was exactly like Johnson's. This wasn't a doppelganger this this was another him.

We then see the flames dissipate as Johnson and Nemesis just stared at each other. "Your...me..... How... why.... this, this doesn't make any sense!" Johnson said as his eyes only widened.

"As much as I love to explain that story" nemesis said as he rubbed his fist against his hand. "I don't feel like toying with you anymore dear Johnson" he continued before slugging Johnson in the face knocking him out, he then was consumed by black flames disappearing with only Johnson Lucius and Xander being left on the ground.

Eventually Johnson quickly came too as he xander and Lucius all just sat together replaying what had just happened in their minds not only had they had some way of hurting Nemesis but now they know who he really is.

Question is now, how the fuck is that possible.


I'm going to be honest this page took me a lot of time to think about I really wanted to introduce the fact that yes Nemesis was Johnson in fact it was even planned for given the foreshadowing in the pages. Even the song I used for him when he first arrived if you notice Nemesis doesn't use swords but you know who does?

Yeah I think you get the point which is why I'm not going to continue any further on that.

Seriously if none of you caught on to that I am disappointed in a honesty but yeah that's that's page three of season 3.

Once again rock until you drop Tata fuckers 🤟


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