(s1) here we go!

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After that Johnson and xander got their foods and they started to chow down.

"So." Xander said while eating, Johnson raised his head and tilted it in confusion "what?" Johnson asked. "Considering how I've never seen your face before now I'm pretty sure you're new." Xander said.

Johnson noded "so?" He asked, "so what lead ya to come into the big city." Xander proposed the question

"Well it's uh...it's complecated" Johnson replied and Xander simply nodded and started sucking on his sodas straw as Johnson went back to eat his chicken sandwiches.

This was rather peaceful. If only SHE was here with him.

Then there was a loud ROARING as Xanders eyes widen and he shoots up and him and Johnson turn their heads to look out the window.

Through the window there was a giant boar looking beast but it's front hooves turned into hands similar to that of a primate and it's tusk were coated in this pink crystal much the end of it's tail which it held in its hand as if it was a mace.

"What the-" Johnson said before a woman shrieked "OGRE BEAST ATTACK" and everyone else except Xander and Johnson booked it out of the restaurant

"This shit again? Ugh I need a break from this job..." Xander groaned as he walk out the restaurant and Johnson was just confused as he immediately followed Xander. "Ok one what the fuck is going on two the fuck is that?!" Johnson asked Xander who started unsheathing a sword with a sabers guard but a katana's blade and it had black shine on the edge of the cutting side of the sword, the sheath however was green with a mint green thread teather.

"One I'm an ogre slayer and two that's a ogre Beast, once a animal turned into something like a ogre also I hunt ogre beasts" Xander explained completely calm.

"Now sit back and relax for me giving the ass kicking of a lifetime" he continued confidently as he walked towards the beast as it glared at him with its glowing pink eyes. Xander chuckled as he pointed at the beast with his sword. He seemed to map out a route that began at the beasts hand and then went to tail for some reason and finally stopped at the head.

Xander then smirks as he sheathed his sword. The beast the raised it's claw and slashed down using gravity as a booster, Xander then side stepped backwards and then leaped back as he avoided the beasts hand and he felt the air of the impact enter is lungs and his smirk turned into a wild grin.

"Snake style fang 1, navigation" xander said as he land on the hand and started Bolting up the beast arm as if the air he breathed in pushed all his strength into his legs.

The beast slammed it's other hand on its back trying to squash Xander, Xander then ran to its tail and then sprung off the tail and right on to the beasts head.

He took out his sword in the reverse grip and stabbed it into the beast head. As it roared in its fury it's face started to bloat and started to puke out its own blood, as the the blood spilled out of its mouth as it drown in the blood in its lungs.

Johnson just stood there amazed.

Xander then removed the sword from the beasts head and stepped down. "Now then I probably have a lot of explaining to do" he said


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