(s3) nearing to fate.

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We see Johnson standing in a grassy field. Time to see if this dream was real. He took a deep breath then exhaled.

"all right salamandra!" Johnson said as he waited for something to happen but it appeared that nothing did. Welp safe to say that dream was bologna.

He then heard his stomach growl. Great now he was craving a bologna sandwich. As he walked towards home even felt heat.

No actual fucking way. He turned to see a medium sized fire floating in the air that was weird but eh, he stepped closer to the floating fire as his green eyes turn to a ruby red.

For some reason it felt like he was staring at his own soul simply burning in purity. He then instinctively grabbed gante and pulled it out then the medium-sized flame floated over to gante as it then engulfed The sword in fire.

Then he saw images images of a place familiar to the area and the dream he had a burning Forest quiet and Serene. It's flames now green to match that of the leaves of normal trees, then a flash of red lightning coming from the blue sky.

Then he saw it could only be described as visions of the future, he saw a boy who looked similar to him but his blonde hair was more faded as he had gone to attached to his back this boy had to be at least 15 or 14 considering by how young he is he then saw a brown haired woman and an older him they stood close by each other both having rings on their fingers. Then he saw a boy with black hair wearing an orange jacket that appear to be made out of flame almost.

Then, then he saw something unexpected he saw a statue, a monument to him he couldn't understand any of these visions but perhaps maybe this is what the future is, maybe this will be his fate.

Then the flame dissipated as he now only new one thing, he has become a pyrokinetic as well as maybe a pyro generator.

Whatever it was all he knew was that he had the ability of creating and controlling fire now and that's all he needed to know.

After a while he meets up with Lucius and Xander as he saw three females want to burn that one having green and yellow hair another having red to pink hair odd? As we got closer he started to focus more on the brunette of the three females she looked eerily similar for some reason.


So what this is the start of season 3 have been ambiguous but who gets a f*** because you're going to be shocked to see this but we're nearing the end of this series I predict this series will end at either season 4, season 5, or season 6 one of those three but yeah this series is already encroaching upon its end so I'll prepare for prepare for a rematch with Nemesis

Rock on till ya drop tata fuckers 🤟


nexus: Ogre Slayer Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt