(s4) regroup pt 1

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Johnson hugged Kira and jay as the two awkwardly hugged him back. "Thank god your ok! Where were you guys?" Johnson asked as he looked at Kira and jay as the two looked at each other.

"Um long story short after getting flung by that ugly duck looking mofo we had to drag through the sand, but meanwhile we got to bond" Kira spoke as she smiled. Jay just sighed as he and kira than looked at lance.

"Who's that guy?" Jay asked as Johnson let the two guy before fixing his posture. "This guy? He's my....." Johnson paused as he remembered yesterday before scowling, "he's Lance. He's nobody important" Johnson said lowly. Lance and Johnson glared at each other.

"Well then, nice to meet you LANCE-a-lot." Jay joked as he stuck out his hand as the reds just glared at him, meanwhile Kira was trying not to laugh at the pun.

"Regardless it's nice to see find your friends is going to be easier than traversing this accursed place" Lance spoke as Johnson just rolled his eyes.

"So... I suppose we find the others." Johnson suggested as the others noded. We then see the four traveling across the sands as Johnson was looking at a locket with a picture of him and his family, aswell as a more recent photo of him and rilla. Johnson sighed and put away the locket. Lance walked up to him "so I suspect you had a girlfriend and she dumped you?" Lance spoke as Johnson noded.

Lance sighed before patting his back as Johnson looked at lance before pushing his hand away. "Don't. Just don't." Johnson spoke before shoving his hands into his pockets. Lance grumbled before walking ahead of Johnson. Johnson decided to pick up the pace and managed to pass before Lance picked up his pace and got past Johnson, it was getting to the point where Kira and jay were Abit worried that they would be separated again, "HEY GUYS!" She shouted before Lance and Johnson had stopped and looked ate the other two before realizing, OH SHIT they were far from the other two.

Eventually jay and kira had caught up to the two, "sorry about that Kira, THIS dumbass was getting too far ahead" Johnson spoke before he and Lance were staring daggers at the other. "Perhaps if you weren't so bullheaded then we would still be making progress" Lance said lowly as he crossed his arms. "BULLHEADED?! OH IMMA BOUT TO SHOW WHO'S-" Johnson spoke before Lance punched him in the face. Johnson reeled back as blood dripped from his nose.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Kira shouted as Johnson looked at the black haired red. Johnson grabbed his jacket before taking it off as it revealed his rather toned body we also see gante vanish into flames as Johnson adjust his glove. "Oooh you gave me a GOOD reason to beat your ass" Johnson said as he stamped towards Lance tossing Kira his jacket as Lance cracked his knuckles.

Kira looked at jay "should we stop em?" She asked before jay shook his head. Johnson and Lance were now facing each other as both looked extremely pissed. "I'm gonna kick your bratty ass all the way back" Lance spoke as Johnson scowled. "Im gonna kick you in the nuts so hard they're going to go flying out your fuckin jaw" Johnson before kicking Lance in the face as it sent him back by a foot.

Lance caught himself before rubbing his jaw. He then stared at Johnson before stomping to him and punching him, Johnson had ducked and uppercuts lance.

Lance grabbed his brothers arm after getting punched and then threw him into the ground HARD. "I don't get why your acting like a toddler, but you need to get over it Johnson." Lance spoke as Johnson got up and cracked his knuckles. "Lance now ain't the TIME for a LECTURE!" Johnson roared as he roundhouse kicked Lance who blocked it.

Lance grabbed his leg and pulled him in before grabbing him by the collar. "This isn't a lecture, this is me SLAPPING SOME SENSE INTO YOU!"m Lance roared back in Johnson face. Johnson squirmed before grabbing his arm. "I don't need you to take care of me!" Johnson spoke as he and Lance stared each other down.

"I'm not taking care of you I'm doing what I'm supposed to do!" Lance said, "AND WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE DICKHEAD-", "BEING YOUR BROTHER!" Lance interrupted Johnson as both were red in the face. There was a long silence as Johnson and Lance looked at each other.

"I don't know what that girl meant to you... And I don't think I ever can, but the fact that you are acting like this tells me enough." Lance spoke as Johnson tightened his grip instinctively. "I'm your brother Johnson I need to look out for you... I need to protect you." Lance continued before we hear a SLAP as we see Johnson now free had slapped Lance across the face.

"SHUT. UP." Johnson shouted as he looked at his brother hate within his eyes. "YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT ME! I HAD IT LANCE! I HAD EVERYTHING I WANTED! FRIENDS, A GIRLFRIEND, A PAYING JOB, EXCITEMENT! I HAD EVERYTHING!" Johnson kept yelling as tears started to flow.

"AND I DIDN'T NEED A THING FROM YOU OR THE OLD MAN! BUT NOW MY FRIEND NEEDS MY HELP. AND I HAD TO LEAVE THE PERSON WHO TRULY LOVED ME!" He kept going as the hot tears kept running down his face as his mind flooded with images of rilla and the moments they shared, their first date, their first kiss, the night in bed they spent together. "I.. I had to leave her and it still hurts. Have you ever met someone who made you feel like your on top? Have you had someone who knew almost everything about you? HAVE YOU LANCE?! BECAUSE I CAN GUARANTEE YOUR STUCK UP ASS SURE AS SHIT NEVER HAS!" He finished shouting as he stared down his brother as tears were practically flooding out.

The silence between the group was practically deafening as Lance just looked at him and shook his head sighing. "Johnson... I haven't.. but I can see you are far more emotionally unstable. So until you let it all out I will keep smacking sense into because that's what family does." Lance spoke as he stepped towards his brother. The two stared at each other before a slight giggling was heard. "Good god you two need therapy, and here I thought I was the only red with family issues." A voice spoke as Lance Johnson looked to see a hooded figure stand a few steps infront of them.

The figure removed their hood as we see long blonde hair glisten as a pair of grey eyes looked at the two as we see a blonde woman revealed. "How you been dumb dumbs?" The girl said as Johnson and Lance went wide eyed.

"Jennifer..." Lance spoke as he stared dumbfounded. "Jenny?" Johnson spoke shakily as he and Lance stared at their sister. Jennifer nodded as Lance and Johnson ran towards her and bear hugged her. "YOUR ALIVE!" Johnson said crying tears of joy as Jennifer chuckled softly. "Yeah yeah I know, lil sis Jen had you dork brains worried sick." Jennifer said as she hugged her big brothers back.

"So... Why are you here?" Lance asked as Jennifer stared at him as she tried to recall her past events. "Well long story short.." she spoke.



I am so fucking sorry but I am TIRED, I've been working on this and the rework and another project that I'll relate after I complete it but finally y'all can read this fuckin ESSAY!

I am sorry y'all had to wait so long... God my uploading is AWFUL. But now... Now I need to fucking sleeping!

Rock on till ya drop tata motherfuckers 🤟


(Are y'all ever gonna find out these emojis mean? Or have you all already found what they reference?)

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