(s1) ogre beasts? (1 of 2)

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After awhile Xander and Johnson headed back to their rides.

"So wait that thing was a uh..." Johnson said trying to remember it's name classification.

"Ogre beasts." Xander added. "Ogre beast right duh and what are they actually?" Johnson asked. Xander sighed.

"Okay I can't explain all of your questions but I know a place where they can be answered so get on your ride and follow me" Xander spoke calmly. Johnson noded and they got in their rides, xander having a three wheel motor bike, and Johnson has his motorcycle.

They drove off. As they drove Johnson started noticing more of the city that wasn't just all skyscrapers and buildings there was also some, wildlife? Not only were there multiple parks with massive trees but also a lot of other plant life probably wouldn't be surprising if he find more than just raccoons roaming around the streets.

As they continue driving they stopped at a giant building with a glass dome for a roof. The outer walls shape the building into the shape of a violet's bud. It was actually rather beautiful just looking at the building.

"I present the hunter foundation one of many foundations that are all part of a something much bigger" Xander said pointing at the beautiful building. Johnson just stared in awe of it.

"Well anyway come on apparently I'm going to have to take you on a tour of the building" Xander continued as he started to the front door then realize Johnson was still looking at the building and then probably walked back to drag him to the front door.

When they enter they saw many people with different outfits and weapons on them not surprising there being weapons cuz this is the "hunter foundation".

As they walked there was a giant boom and everyone in the building looked to see smoke coming from a hall as a male covered in ashes walked out trying to dust himself off with his hands.

"God dammit another Mech blew up" the male said as he got the ashes off, his Cobalt jacket showing more now after getting dusted and the male had silver hair with a similar cobalt eyes.

"You good jay bird?" One of the hunters said. "Does it look like I'm good?!" The male known as Jay retorted.

"Hey bolt!" Xander said catching jays attention, he walked over to xander "sup green bean" jay said shaking Xanders hands.

"Hey uh I got a newbie here and he has no idea what ogre beasts are" Xander said gesturing to Johnson.

Jay noded. He then looked at Johnson and started to inspect him. "Uh what is he doing?" Johnson said. "Doing a pat down. Making sure you ain't going to do something risky" Xander replied.

"Oh" Johnson spoke then jay started patting up his chest. "So....your in the clear, also one how old are you, need to make sure this doesn't come off as illegal" jay said.

"17" Johnson simply said, "oh so your younger than me and xandy boy" jay responded.

"Wait... Xanders 18..." Johnson said slightly surprised. "Yes I am, just because I'm shorter and look younger doesn't mean I am younger." Xander spoke.

"Wow" Johnson replied, "ok two weird question, you gay?" Jay asked which threw Johnson for a loop. "Uh I'm straight.... Why you ask" Johnson said confused.

"Just making sure you didn't enjoy the pat down~" jay said pretending to flirt and Johnson was not into it.

"Personal space please" Johnson said and jay backed off.

"Sorry" jay said, Xander just chuckled


Oooooooooookayyyyyyyyy done with this

Oh Jesus I was originally going to do this in one part but that would take a long time so uh see y'all

Rock on till ya drop tata fuckers 🤟

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