(s1) arrival

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We see white. An infinite void as we then see a garden. Then a rose forms from the ground and blooms. Then a hand picks it up and we hear a voice. "It's beautiful like always.... I wish I knew where you were Cici..." The voice said as we cut to xander and Johnson hanging out eating some fry's and cheese burgers.

Xander had his head on his left hand. "Ugh I'm so fucking boooooooored." Xander groaned out. Johnson nodded and then grabbed one of his own fries and ate it. "When was the last time since we fought a ogre beast?" Xander asked. "Including this one that was 5 days ago." Johnson answered as he grabbed his burger and took a bite of it.

Xander ground again as he lifted his head from his hand and took his phone and started texting someone.

"Who the hell you texting? Your girlfriend?~" Johnson asked, "who are you my mom and no I'm texting someone I met on tinder" Xander said as he continued texting.

"Tinder? you met someone on tinder? Aren't you supposed to be 20 when you go on tinder" Johnson said and Xander just glared at him as he raised as fist and gave him the middle finger.

Johnson just flipped him off. Then they felt a small rumbling in the ground. Then I saw a portal open up and two people fire out of it and landed on the ground.

Johnson and Xander sprung up in Surprise and ran over to go help the two. "What the hell happened to them" Xander said as he looked at Johnson. "Don't know let's just get them to HQ so that way they can heal up they look pretty bad" Johnson said as he looked at the man of the two strangers who had scratch marks and bruises all over him as well as some burn marks.

Johnson grabbed the girl and xander grabbed the guy. The four headed to HQ and got them to the medical center part of the base.

When they got there and set the two in the hospital beds lander and Johnson waited in their seats.

Then one of the doctors came in. "How they doing doc?" Johnson asked As he stood up slightly concerned. "They're not in the greatest of shapes they have multiple cuts bruises some Burns but overall they're fine but they're blood it's, it's more dense than it should be" the doctor said.

"And how is that abnormal?" Johnson asked. The doctor took off his glasses and looked at Johnson. "Well Johnson in the Hunter's business we have to make sure a person's blood density is normal and that it hasn't been poisoned because whenever someone is poisoned their blood usually thickens which can also cause blood clots from time to time" the doctor said as Johnson nodded.

"So you're saying they could be poisoned?" Johnson asked. The doctor shook his head back and forth. "As much as I would like to say that's the answer it's not despite their blood being more dense than it should be for humans their blood circulation is still normal if not better it's as if they grew up in a completely different area and their bodies adapted to it. Not to mention their muscle strength we had to make a deep enough cut in their arms to draw blood" the doctor answered. Johnson side and relief "at least they're alive" he said.


You know whenever I say I'm not going to do something anymore I always find a way of forgetting that I said that or just straight up regretting I said that and then doing the thing I said I wasn't going to do anymore if I actually enjoyed doing it at least.

So yeah I'm back and I will continue running ogre Slayer.

Rock on till you drop Tata fuckers 🤟

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