(s3) bro.

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We see lance standing in front of Hunter HQ. So this is where Johnson has been working. He has to admit his little brother always good at least show some prowess for hunting.

And we skip back a few years. We see Lance who is now 9 standing over a medical bed watching as his mother cradled a baby. "Mama what do you have there?" He asked confused as he pointed to the baby. "Miss my little Lancelot is your little brother. Johnson. me and your father are going to take good care of both you and him" the woman said as she placed her hand on top of Lance's head and rubbed it. Ruffling up his hair a bit.

We see the woman, her eyes were vibrant green her hair was black with some bits of blue in there her skin was fair if not pale. This was Nora red Johnson and Lance's mother. Then we see an older man enter hearing a black coat over his shoulders his hair a pale blonde and orange. His eyes were gunmetal gray he wore a black suit that had a blue tie. Father.

"Honey." Nora said as she looked at her husband. His face was a scout before changing into a smile. It appeared he had just seen some kind of Joyous event. He walked to the bed and carefully picked up the baby that was known as Johnson.

"My child.... You and your brother will be destined for great things I know that" his father's said. it was very odd saying that to a baby, now that Lance is much older however. He understood that sentence was directed at both him and Johnson.

'is this what you meant father is this what you meant by greatness' Lance thought to himself as we see things fade into current day. We see Lance take out a pocket watch before opening it up revealing an old photo of him Johnson and their younger sister sitting for a photo with their parents.

We fade back in time to win this tragedy had taken it's strike. They're younger sister Jennifer had been born about 5 months earlier and we see Johnson now 9 and lance now 16 playing video games trying to beat the others high score. We see their mother sitting in a chair watching as her children played while she swaddled the latest addition to their family. Their father was off at work running his company of weapons and metal.

These few moments of pure joy of pure Bliss would be removed from all of history. Then we feel the Earth shake beneath us as we see Nora get up and grab her to children and begin to run to the safe room.

You see them run down a hall but a massive fist broke through one of the walls as the four slowly backed away knowing that now there only place of safety was blocked we then see another massive fist first through the wall and then starts to tear through the entirety of the house.

As a tore through we see to be a massive ogre dragon. As the wall was broken waves of heat start to break through with a mountains of keep pouring into the house all of them start to grow weak as Nora looked around trying to find another exit seeing the front door she then tried to run for it with her children but her legs start to fail her the heat was too much for her it was too much for any normal human Nora fell to her knees while still cradling Jennifer who is now crying we see lance slowly start to come to the heat as well eventually falling to the floor. Johnson somehow was still able to be standing he tried the help his mother up but she was just too heavy.

"Johnson. Stop im too heavy and I can't move I've already gone into heat stroke your brothers starting to succumb to it and your sister she's too young she'll die, please take your brother and your sister and run, the door should be unlocked if it isn't take my key off my neck and try to open it and then run" nora said her voice tremoring with fear. Fear for her children, fear for her husband fear for her family.

"Mom don't say that. I'm going to get you out of here. I'm going to get you all out of here you're going to get back to Dad we're all going to live now come on just use your legs-" Johnson said trying to push mother back on her feet but her weight outnumbered his strength then he started to feel the symptoms of heat stroke. He didn't know how he was able to resist it for this long but it didn't matter anymore he could already feel his body starting to fail as his body overheated he couldn't sweat fast enough to cool off and the heat already started to dehydrate him. Then smoke started to filled the air.

"Johnson you're going to die. you, your brother and your sister are all going to die if you don't get out of here I'm dead weight so just go!" Nora shouted her voice filled with frustration.

Johnson looked at his mother before slowly nodding he gently removed Jennifer from his mother's hands and helped lance get back on his feet as they headed towards the door. Lance grab the door knob and open the door as they saw the path that led to their freedom. Johnson handed Jennifer to Lance and Lance went off to find a safe space, Johnson turned back and ran towards his mother but he was already too late as one of the giant fist grabbed onto his mother and pulled her to the Beast as it then devoured her whole.

Johnson just stood there as the Beast then looked at Johnson with Johnson staring right back at it. He would have felt fear. he would have. He should have but all he felt was something inside him that burned.

That day Nora red had left this Earth and while the memory was a bit hazy due to certain things happening plans remembered his side of the story while Johnson remembered his.

We then sea Lance and to the hunter foundation holding papers he found apparently a front desk operator any place on the papers which in big bold letters said.



Going to be completely honest here I'm not really a big fan of this page much like how I really wasn't a fan of the whole date that I used for the previous page but regardless I do think I at least did something good with this page it's definitely not my favorite but overall that's all I got to say.

Rock on till ya drop tata fuckers 🤟


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