(s3) first [actual] date

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Kira was in her room getting dressed as we see frost watch as she had a lollipop in her mouth acting like she was smoking. "I really don't see the point in doing this cous, I mean you two already know each other it's just gonna be awkward going on a date after knowing each other for a while" she said. Kira rolled her eyes and finally found some clothes. She took them to the bathroom to get changed.

Frost sighed and walked into the living room and saw cherry watching TV with a brother, Coco. His hair was ruffled and bright orange. He has a black overcoat covering his orange shirt. He had on black jorts and had white and black tennis shoes.

"Hey coco" frost said as coco waved at her. "Sup frosted flakes?" he asked. Frost just looked at him annoyed, she seriously hated that nickname. But coco had to just take notice of the fact that her name was Frost and well never mind no point getting mad about it.

"I'm done how do I look?" We hear Kira asked as the three others looked at her. She had a black gown on with green and yellow stars decorating it and it left everything to the imagination.

"You look like..... An office woman going to a wedding. Ya look basic as hell Kira" frost said coldly. Kira frowned and turned to Cherry and Coco. Coco just shrug as cherry was just releasing bi-sexual energy.

"Well anyway I'm going to see Xander" Kira said as she opened the door to see xander waiting outside with a totally not familiar hover bike which he totally didn't barrow from Johnson.

"Sup my kira queen?" Xander flirted. "Did you seriously make a pun about my name?"  Kira asked not amused.

Eventually they got on the bike and drove off to t'jo's. Once they arrived Xander got off the bike and helped Kira down despite her being taller than him he still wanted to be a gentleman. They entered and found a table and sat Down.

"So uh..... what caused you to move from Jersey?" Xander asked. Kira looked at him completely oblivious to his question he just stared at him admiring him. For some reason this complete dork managed to appeal to her. Safe to say she adored his acts of silliness. Then the waiter arrived he asked what they'd be having and they gave their orders then there's simply ordered some chicken wings and kira decided to order a salad.

After waiting Abit their food arrived and xander grabbed a napkin and started eating his wings using the napkins to clean himself off. Kira just ate her salad. The two ate in blissful silence.

After eating we see them in a park relaxing. "So...... considering how we've already been dating for a while we could end this date with a kiss or end with a more interesting twist" Xander said as he hugged Kira. The two looked at each other. Then.

A smooch.

Date. Success obviously.

But then we skip over to frost who was eating some ice cream. She really didn't have anything to do considering how cocoa and Cherry were off shopping and kira was obviously off with her boyfriend. She seriously doesn't get the point of these relationships they're just going to fail eventually.

"Uh this seat taken" we hear a familiar voice say then Frost looks up to see Johnson holding a chocolate milkshake as we see him pointing to the chair that was directly across from frost.

Frost shrugged as Johnson sat down. "So...... You like jazz?" He asked in a jokingly. Frost just looked at him not amused. "Next time ask that when your turned into a bee" she said. Johnson sighed and took a sip of his milkshake. "And plus aren't you supposed to be hanging out with that rilla chick?" Frost asked as she pointed her spoon at Johnson.

"Well rills went to go visit her bro in the Tokyo district. And Lucius is off dealing with blossom and plus well we both know where Xander and your cousin is" Johnson said.

"Their off probably fucking or some bull shit like that" frost added. Johnson noded as he took another sip. "So..... I heard about what happened with your arm I know it's regenerated and all that but doesn't it feel weird knowing the fact that you're old right arm was ripped off" frost asked. Johnson shrugged, "never really thought about that but now that you mention it doesn't really feel weird the only weird part about it is the fact that I should have been in pain after I regenerated it" he said.

"Anyway want to hang out tomorrow?" Frost asked. Johnson noded.


Jesus this took longer than it should've taken. And it had so much exposition. :/ Honestly I don't like this page but it's up to the good enough of my standards.

Still hate it but eh

Anyway rock on till ya drop tata fuckers 🤟


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