(s2) side story 1: a bottle of kairm for kira

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We see Xander take a stroll through the park, Johnson was out on a date with rilla, lucius buying groceries with blossom, even Jay's building a mech after the destruction of atlas.

Overall Xander had nothing to do and he did NOT appreciate it. Then his phone buzzed.

He grabbed his phone and checked, it was a message from the chick he met on tinder.

         (Kira queen)

/Hey xand what you up to

Bored, my friends are busy :(\

/Oof That's lame, well anyway guess what

What? =_=\

/I'm in highway City betch! Awesome I know

......meet you at the park?\

/Finally asking me out to a first date?

Shut up\
Your lucky it ain't a booty call\

/Perv -_-

Just meet me at the park\

Xander turned off his phone and sighed to himself, atleast he gets to finally meet her in person.

After abit he sat on a bench until he saw a girl with green and yellow hair she had a black hoodie which sagged abit covering the waist part of her pants which were a olive green, she had black tinted glasses which along with her hood concealed alot of her face.

Xander knew it was her considering her tinder pic included that same hoodie aswell as the green and yellow hair. He waved he waved her over and she sat down next to him.

"So..... since we already have chatted for a while what do you want to do" Xander asked. Kira looked at him softly. "How about ice cream? Knowing your dumbass you probably haven't eaten" Kira said, the word dumbass stung Abit but that's not surprising hearing her say that.

They went to the ice cream store and ordered two vanilla ice creams. "Now then, does your city have a bar?" Kira asked. Xander nodded, "great! Let's go there" she said. "Why?" Xander asked. "Well I was thinking about celebrating finally getting here." Kira said.

Xander just looked at her, he could tell only half of that wasn't bullshit. Good thing dating jay made him able to read people like a book.

"You were planning on intoxicating me and sleeping with me weren't you" Xander said. Kira's face flushed. "W-well yes but I was going to use condoms and then apologize-" Kira said before Xander interupted with "you don't need to defend yourself besides I wouldn't abject you would just have really crappy timing" Xander said.

"Oh..... Well besides this is our first date so doing it probably would be rushing it" Kira said embarrassed and ashamed. "Wanna just head to my place and relax?" Xander asked, Kira nodded profusely.

Before they headed to zander's house they picked up some wine which was called "green apple kairm", despite its name it was actually a type of wine. But that's how we'll close off this awkward date.


What you thought this be adorable nah fam this is the extreme kind of awkward date, (if you meet someone on tinder and finally go on a date, don't think since you've known them for awhile you can get to the fun, that's obvious rule 1.)

Anyway rock on till ya drop tata fuckers.

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