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It's finally here everyone! The QnA begins now!

Go ahead and ask questions in the comments and I'll answer. But there are rules, these are rather simple ones.

1. Don't be rude to anyone. Any slander will result in muting (there are just certain douchebags who think they are in the right.)

2. Be patient, I may not be able to respond to you,  so just be patient and wait.

3. Don't ask anything too specific (like characters zodiac signs, I prefer people to come up with their own headcanons for shit like that.)

4. Anyway homophobia, transphobia, or some other shit like that is a fuck no. We are all people so we each deserve to be treated with politeness.

Otherwise that's all (and don't ask for shit like my name or age, I have no intention in revealing anything personal.)

Now hopefully y'all will ask some good questions.

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