(s3) end of the day

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Johnson and frost were walking around the city. How's they were walking they eventually stopped by a park and saw rilla sitting on a bench. Johnson walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey rill's!" Johnson said as he approached her and when she saw him she backed up Abit.

"Uh hey" she spoke as Johnson sat next to her. "How was your trip? Also could I introduce you to one of my friends?" Johnson asked. Rilla appeared confused but also relieved. "The trip was good and who would your friend be over there" she answered pointing to frost.

"Frost sai. Professional of hating McDonald's" frost said as she took out another lollipop and crossed her arms.

"Oh your that girl I saw with Johnson before that masked guy attacked him." She said as she stood up and stuck out her hand. Frost took it and they shook hands.

"Hmmm yeah I can see why you fantasize about her chilli pepper. She's got the bod." Frost commented as rilla blushes softly. "What do you mean by that?" She asked nervously .

"Just saying compared to me your flat as a chalk board but you definitely got the curves to make up for it" frost answered as she walked to a trash can and threw away her lollipop wrapper

Johnson then stood up and stood next to rilla "so where ya wanna go rill?" He asked her he hugged her.

She then wrapped an arm around his neck and kisses him. "Somewhere where we can be alone~" she spoke. This definitely confused Johnson. Johnson shrugged and noded. "Cya frost! Me and rills need some alone time" he said and frost looked at them and waved before heading home.

We then skip a little bit later in the night where we see Johnson and rilla in bed getting rather hot and bothered

warning ⚠️

This next part of the story is a lemon. If you don't want your purity ruined you have technically finished the page so enjoy the rest of your day but if you want to read the lemon continue on

"Hey rills?~" Johnson spoke as he slid his hand up her shirt and onto her chest.

"Yeah Johnson?~" rilla replied. Johnson then got really close. "I want you to take me~" he spoke with desire in his eyes.




What you thought Id actually wrote a lemon? Not yet. But yeah. Rock on till ya drop tata fuckers!

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