(s4) entrance. pt 1

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2 months later.

Johnson was with lucius and Xander as the three were eating fries and burgers at t'jo's. Lucius had become accustom to this world and had become somewhat a regular customer to t'jo's.

"So any plans guys?" Johnson asked. "I'll be with Kira so nah" xander said as he ate a handful of fries. "Blossoms been able to hold down the fort so we could head to that new motorcycle shop. Didn't nemesis trash your bike?" lucius asked. Johnson shook his head.

"Than how come you haven't used it you always walk to work now" lucius said. "I loaned it to Xander and he's still yet to return it" Johnson replied glaring at Xander. Xander Started to sweat bullets.

"Oh boy is hot in here!" Xander said as he stood up. "We're outside Xander and the temperature is 65°F. So sit ya ass down" Johnson spoke. Xander sat down and lucius looked at the two. Something was about to go down. "How about a little sparring? Wouldn't hurt to get back in action" he spoke as Johnson and Xander looked at him.

Johnson rolled his eyes. "What ever you say lulu" Xander said as he got up. Lucius stood up aswell but he heard a faint whining. "You guys hear that?" He asked as Johnson and Xander noded. "kind of sounded like... Rubber against the road." Xander said.

Then out of nowhere a massive truck came hurtling towards the three. Lucius immediately grabbed the two and God sped away.

The truck crashed into the Earth as we then see a large Beast with long twisting antlers stand infront of them all.

"Oi! What the fuck is that?!" Johnson shouted as lucius turned and saw the beast. Was that? No.

No. No. NO! "Why is a hell beast here?" Lucius sad as he grabbed his two axes and purple lightning started to surround him.

Lucius then shot into the air as two massive axes made of electricity floated behind him and then started to duplicate until there was hundreds if not thousands of electric axes.

"AXE RIOT!" Lucius shouted as he then threw his two axes with the hundreds of others following behind them.

The hell Beast roared before leaping into the air dodging the axes and then slugging Lucius in the face.

Lucius was sent hurtling back towards the ground as the Beast followed after him. Lucius hit the ground hard as the Beast landed right above him as flames erupted from its mouth.

Johnson and Xander whipped out their swords and ran to help Lucius out. But before they could do anything a massive spear was thrown directly into the Beast head as it fell to the floor dead.

Lucius just sat there and all as he looked up to see where the spear came from and saw a familiar face.

His hair completely White as flames floated above his head forming a Halo. He wore a leotard along with a shoulder guard shaped into the form of a massive dog head. The man appeared to be in his late 40s and had a long flowing beard that was made out of blue fire.



Okay y'all no more waiting bullshit season 4 is on.

And what better way to begin it then with the 40th page of ogre Slayer!

It's time ladies and gentlemen we are reaching the war for hell.


Rock on till ya drop tata fuckers 🤟


nexus: Ogre Slayer Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon