(s3) fix up

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Johnson Lucius and Xander then heard footsteps and saw rilla running towards Johnson and tackled him. They land with a thud as rilla held him tight.

"Are you ok? What happened? Why was your arm ripped off? And most of all WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT GUY?!" Rilla question worried and confused. Johnson sighed. "Long story short remember that who landed infront of us when we were escaping that ogre beast?" He said, rilla noded. "Well turns out his name is Nemesis and he kicked my ass twice this being second time and the reason why my arm was ripped off was because well he ripped my arm off obviously but it's back I think" he continued as he looked at his right arm and saw it still there. Rilla sighed. Atleast he was alive. she then pecked his cheek.

His face went red. "God I have the unluckiest boyfriend" rilla said as she hugged him tighter.

"So uh.... Should we just dip?" Xander asked feeling uncomfortable. Johnson and rilla looked at them. "Nah" they said in unison.

after that happened we see Johnson and Willa going on a nice simple walk. Everything was nice and peaceful. It was somewhat bizarre after the adrenaline rush that was the rematch with Nemesis but it was welcomed change.

Then we switch our focus to a odd Duo Lucius and Cherry. You see Xander and kira were too busy talking and frost just didn't want to do anything and the only person that was bored with their group was cherry.

"So ummm I never really caught your name." Cherry said. "Oh it's-" lucius said before "Lulu! your back!" Blossom cut him off as she ran and hugged her older brother.

"Lulu? That's a girl's name also who's she? Your girlfriend?" Cherry asked. Lucious and blossom looked at each other before they both gagged. "Hell no she's my sister and my name is not Lulu it's Lucius she only calls me Lulu because that's what she called me when we were kids" lucius said. Cherry then just looked at them with a blank stare. Blossom stuck out her hand. "I'm blossom Blackwell. Nice to meet you" she said as cherry shook her hand.

Now we switch back to Xander and kira. "So uh Kira. About our first date." Xander said nervously. "It was rushed I know I don't even think that counts as a date" Kira said. "Wanna, do it over?" Xander asked. Kira nodded.


Jesus Christ this took forever because I had no idea what else to do.

Anyway that's this page see y'all

Rock on till ya drop tata fuckers 🤟

nexus: Ogre Slayer Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ