(s1) face to face 2/3

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The next day had arrived and we see Lucius and blossom sitting in front of a table holding each other close. Then the doctor, a blonde boy, and a brunette enter the room and sat down in front of them at the three chairs.

"I'd like to introduce you to the two hunters who found you and brought you here Johnson red, and Xander oakgreen." Dr Matthew said

"Just so you know I'm Johnson" the blonde- Johnson said. Blossom simply shrink back behind Lucius. "Well it's nice to meet you both but anyway what do you three want from us" lucius asked.

"I just have some questions to ask after that you'll be home free." Dr Matthew said as he took out a clip board. "First off your names please" Matthews continued as he adjusted his glasses. Lucius took a deep breath "my name is Lucius Blackwell I'm 28 and my blood type is B-." Lucius said with the utmost respect. "And this is my sister blossom Blackwell she's 2 years younger than me and her blood type is the same as me B-" he continued saying. The doctor simply looked at the two then went back to his clipboard and scribbled some notes.

"Now as much as I believe some of your story I know for a fact your blood type is not B-, it's safe to say you don't even have a blood type" the doctor said. Lucius just stared at him wide-eyed this man could see right through him.

"You see the doc may or may not have a taken some of your blood as samples and he discovered two things" Johnson said rubbing the back of his neck. "One you have no registered blood type and two your blood is too dense to be from a human. So be honest with us lucius what exactly are you" the doctor said finishing Johnson's sentence.

Lucius just sat there silent, should he reveal the fact that he's a demon what if these people hunt demons? after all the doctor did say the two people sitting right next to him were hunters.

Lucius didn't know what to do so he took a breath and took a Gambit. He never could have his father's silver tongue so might as well see how things go. "I am well, me and my sister are well demons" Lucius said with a serious expression on his face.

Johnson went wide eyed but Matthew and Xander didn't seem to really care. "Why is only one of you surprised?" Lucius asked. "Well you see we hunters have known about hells existence for a long time, Johnson over here is well he's still fresh to The Business of being a hunter so he's a little shocked is all " Xander explained.

Lucius just looked at Xander. "So wait you know about hell's existence you've known about demons why did you never.. how do you..... I'm sorry what?" Lucius said dumbfounded. "Trust me mam I'm right here with you I'm just confused as well" Johnson said.

"Well regardless now you finally revealed the truth Lucius now then now that we know you're a demon now we can go to the real question who are your parents" Matthew asked. there was nothing but piercing silence in that room in that moment. "I don't want to talk about it..." Lucius said. "Our father is Lucifer Blackwell and our mother is Lilith Eden." Blossom spoke up. Lucius looked at his sister in shock.

"My brother came to this world t-to help you p-pathetic humans! YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL YOUR BEING HELPED BY THE NEXT DEMON KING!" Blossom shouted attempting to hide her fear.

The doctor just looked at the two then pushed up his glasses. "Lucius is this true" the doctor asked. Lucius just noded vigorously.

"Well then" Xander said standing up he looked towards Lucius and stuck out his hand. "Welcome to the hunter foundation" he continued.


Wooooooooooooooooo the trios almost complete! Here we fucking go!

Now then

Rock on till ya drop tata fuckers 🤟

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