(s1) now it all begins ...... with training!

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It's been awhile since I joined Xander. And I learned some interesting things like for instance.

"WAIT HELL IS REAL?!" Johnson shouted at the revelation (HA) that not only ogre beasts exist but HELL ITSELF DOES ASWELL!

"Yep sadly it does though you're not at a high enough rank to go there" Xander said as Johnson sighed in relief.

"Now how about some practice! I've been itching to see what you can do with that new sword ya got there" xander continued pointing at Johnson unconventional sword.

Johnson pulled it off his back the blade was thin but big and it had a strange blue glint to it.

"I call it gante I had the blacksmith design specifically for me in mind" Johnson said grining.

Continuing with the appearance the reason why it was so unconventional was because there really was that despite being classified as a great sword it to the shape of straight blade two handed saber.

You'd think it be unwieldy but it's rather easy for Johnson.

The metal was combination of titanium and surprisingly quartz aswell as some iron.

Eventually we see Xander and Johnson head a field of red and green? roses.

Johnson then prepared gante and Xander unsheathed his blade.

"I am xander oakgreen the emerald tide! Me and gunto blade will smite your existence" Xander said as hid eyes had a slight glow to them

"Well if we doing that then I'll introduce myself" Johnson said before cleaning his throat "I am Johnson purgatorio red! I am son of Nora red and Alexander red" he announced and something appeared to click in Xanders head.

Xander then shook his head and got in fighting stance legs wide swords tip facing Johnson and besides Xanders head, the tether was detached from the blade.

Johnson did some what the same stance except the blade was pointing up.

They stood there waiting for who would make the first move. Johnson noticed the fault in his stance and realized something.

The problem with his stance was that it was too wide and Xanders stance just so happened to have the same problem, Johnson rushed forward as Xander got ready, and when Johnson was just close enough he struck, Johnson however placed the flat side of his sword on top of his head and his back blocking the strike from Xanders sword.

Johnson let go of his sword and grabbed onto Xanders legs and used entire weight to push him off balance, Xander then fell backwards.

Johnson got up and went to get gante but Xander got up and dragged him back, Johnson stumbled back as Xander got into a boxing stance.

When Johnson noticed he got hunched over as if kneeling. Xander did a small "ha" before Johnson sprang at him and tackled him.

Johnson after tackling Xander pinned him to the ground by bringing his left knee and right arm together and holding them tight.

Xander after squirming gave in and tapped Johnson shoulder. He let go and got off the brunette letting him catch his breath.

"God damn where the hell you learned that?!" Xander asked panting. "Uh I guess with my brother" Johnson said.

"Bullshit!" Xander shouted which startled Johnson, "I know you must have had some practice because one I now know why your last name was familiar and two no body can wrestle like that by just wrestling with their bro" he continued.

"Wait how is my last name familiar" Johnson asked as Xander groaned and goes a mail bin of an abandoned building, he walked backed to Johnson and opened the news paper and showed him a article about a Alexander re- wait.


"WAIT THATS MY OLD MAN!" Johnson voiced in utter shock as Xander covered his ears. "Maybe don't shout to the heavens please" Xander said irritated.

"Sorry, but I knew my dad was rich and all but not famous rich." Johnson spoke. "Well my amigo he is and you are son of the dude." Xander said as he wrapped his arm around the boys neck.

"Well anyway that was some good practice" Xander said, "you mean your ass getting handed to you gourmet style?" Johnson said smirking as Xander turned red with annoyance.

"Ha, ha, shut up ya toddler, atleast I get bitches." Xander said, "I highly doubt any of that" Johnson retorted. As they went to their places to stay.


.....I had fun with this, for no reason.

Anyway prepare for a surprise relating to what Xander said about having bitches.

Rock on till you drop, tata fuckers 🤟

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