little skit I had a idea for.

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Me:[writing ogreslayer] I hope everyone enjoys what I've been cooking.

My anxieties and inferiority complex: no one's gonna read it, we have no upload schedule, I writing is trash, and we suck at writing characters, I doubt anyone's gonna be reading if they even have an interest in this.

Me:[just stared annoyed] I've been dealing with your bitch ass for the past few years mother fucker! Let me COOK, so what if views are low, people will regain a interest and when they do they get hit the special sauce! Plus I've been trying to spread like the flu. Just minus the death. SO LET THE MAN COOK! Yes my schedule is shit what the fuck you expect I'm still a fuckin novice! So I don't have a schedule! Who the fuck even have schedules?! This isn't a job for me this fuckin hobby.

My anxieties and inferiority complex: we still suck at writing.

Me:...that's the point, we need to age like FINE WINE. NOT CRUSTY CAPTAIN CRUNCH CEREAL THAT TASTE LIKE SHIT MILK! Now please SHUT UP and let me COOK.

nexus: Ogre Slayer Where stories live. Discover now