(s4) my darling.

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Hades sat on the sand as he looked at the locket of him and his wife. He sighed as he looked at the unconscious Lucius.

Lucius chest rose and sunk as he breathed slowly. Hades was rerunning everything that happened,
Lilith asked him to retrieve lucius, he arrived to the human world where he surrounded himself with that heathen species, they spent an entire day doing worthless actions, finally arrived, demon beast attacked and now he and the prince were sent HERE.... Shit...

Hades sighed and stood up and summoned his spear and gently poked the prince.

Lucius eyes shot open and sat up before looking around and see Hades... Lucius hurried breath slowed as he sighed and stood up.

"Hades... What happened where are the others?"  Lucius asked as he looked at the Olympian. "It appears we were separated from the group, it appears we were knocked out for about a day, o advise we head straight for your mother." Hades spoke as the spear vanished. Lucius just stared before face palming.

"Hades, their human. As much as I trust my friends the only one who could really do anything is blossom. Xanders still a weakling and Johnson... Johnson's Johnson." Lucius spoke. "So he's a buffoon" Hades spoke bluntly as lucius nodded sadly.

"My prince don't get my intentions wrong but we should get you to your mother first, your sister will most likely be with your friends." Hades continued before Lucius have him a glare.

"My sister is just as important as me Hades, and if a hell beast surprise attacking us could scatter everyone it could most likely kill everyone. And I don't FEEL like having people die. ESPECIALLY Those who wanted to assist me." Lucius retorted as Hades scowled before grumbling. "Fine my prince, we will look for the others." Hades spoke defeated. Lucius smiled softly before standing up and wiping off the dust and sand.

"Alright then, first to find is my friends, then the girls and my sister... Now to find a way of tracking them.. maybe I could use godspeed" lucius spoke as he stroke his Chin act like there was a beard there. "Ill advised. You get tired way too easily using that ability, and if you could use it all The Time it would still take days to find them. I suggest we find where we were first attacked" Hades countered as he looked at the young prince.

"That would just lead us back to where we started. We were all sent flying if I remember correctly. So no trail could be left behind, besides we don't even know how far it is-" lucius spoke as we hear the sound of laughter as Hades went wide eyed. He immediately ran towards the laughter as he kept seeing images of her, persophene.

Lucius ran after him as Hades could see a figure and a large silhouette in the distance. "Persophene! Cerberus! I'm back!" He shouted as the ground rumbled as lucius took notice, SHIT! He immediately activated godspeed and grabbed Hades as he could see them, his wife and his oldest friend, right there, he needed to reach them but Lucius had grabbed him as he put his foot on the sand as suddenly a pair of jaws snapped up just as lucius had managed to save Hades.

Hades and Lucius hit the ground as Hades groaned and looked up to see a hell fisher... It was using an illusion.... DAMNIT!

Hades stood before shouting in anger and frustration. "DAMNIT! DAMNIT! FUCKING DAMNIT!" He roared as flames erupted around him. He was furious, he just wanted this conflict to already be over, HE WAS SICK OF THIS!

Hades would take a deep breath as the flames that surrounded started to fade.. Hades couldn't lose his cool... Not now.

"Hades.. are you alright?" Lucius asked as Hades looked at Lucius.. the son of the man who stole his domain. Hades sighed as he nodded.

Lucius seemed relieved as he sighed. "Ok... We need to get going.. now. We can't get this over with if we don't have everyone.." lucius spoke as he stood up. before Hades pointed his spear at him.

"Your friends better be worth it, I am not going to waste precious time finding weaklings." Hades spoke bluntly as lucius pushed the spear away from him. "Their worth it... I promise, now lets try to find them..." Lucius answered as he and Hades stared at each other before we finally see them get moving.

They were making ground as the had already come across a icy pillar, it was odd since Lucius didn't know any of the others had ice manipulation. But this would mostly be Xander... Perhaps..

Lucius was crouched infront of the pillar, "you think one of the sins did this? Perhaps their leading us astray?" Hades asked Abit of irritation on his voice, Lucius shook his head as he stood up. "The only person who could do this and is a sin is most likely leviathan. But she has basic water manipulation." Lucius answered as Hades stared at the icy pilar.

"Alright I think we should follow these pillars." Lucius spoke as Hades nodded.

The two begin to follow the pillars and they found themselves at a camp site, or... Something. Lucius looked around and immediately there was footsteps as he and Hades turned to see Xander.

"XANDER!" lucius said as he ran to the brunette and bear hugged him as Xander laughed awkwardly. "Hey lulu... Didn't think you'd find me, where's the others?" Xander asked as lucius pulled away as he looked at him confused "aren't they with you?" Lucius asked as Xander shook his head.

"Nope just me and frost.. tho...it's more of me now" Xander said lowly and almost ashamed. "What... What happened to frost?" Lucius asked as he looked more confused. "We .. we got jumped as soon as we woke up and I've been looking for her ... But the most I could find was her beret.." Xander answered as he took out a torn up white beret. Lucius looked down as he was worried, really worried..


HOLY FUCK, I hated writing this again ngl, it was supposed to be longer but I am NOT doing that again.

Regardless sorry I've been off, I was dead because I was sick, then there's life, but I think this might be the end of the bad luck (plus end of the burnout when it comes to this book, I was getting really bored with this series.)

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