(s2) ogre beast attack!!: ogre Dragon sighted. prepare for the seige!

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We see a Komodo dragon in the wilderness hunting its prey it's claws tearing through the Earth itself and the trees as it quickly catched up to its prey but before long when it arrived to find its prey it's stood in front of a massive 200 stories tall monstrosity it's body covered in crimson scales it's claws bangs and eyes glow magenta as well as having massive wings which had a bioluminescence that glow that very familiar magenta.

Ogre beast type: dragon.
Threat level: 0

The Beast had had long massive antlers as well. The antlers were accompanied by storm clouds constantly swirling them. Then we see this colossal Titan of a monster slowly making its way to highway City.

Then our vision switches to highway City people running for their lives as we see police trying to evacuate the area as everyone could see the ogre Dragon approaching.

"A day of celebration is interrupted by a dragon's wrath, a buck so Noble infected by hatred. Bear witness to the cataclysm of walking mountain of fire none shall survive this cataclysmic destruction" - William D. Nukra.

Then we see hundreds if not thousands of transports arriving with hunters exiting. An ogre Dragon was no joke.

Then we see the forest the Beast trudge through slowly be turned into a scorched wasteland. Trees turn to charcoal leaves turn to nothingness the grass itself became Ash as the ground became infertile.

This Beast was a true calamity. The very Earth shook beneath its power all about this demon soon enough.

Then we look back to see Johnson Xander Lucius and every other Hunter getting the barricades ready as they prepare cannons and ballista as well as every other heavy artillery.

The siege begins. We see one of the generals stand in front at the end of the barricade. "Hunters with your face many foes ranging from ogre Beast of demons but now is our greatest threat we must kill this ogre Dragon before it enters highway City. Some of you may die but I'm glad to know you are willing to make the sacrifice needed to save hundreds of others" the general spoke. Each hunter noded.

Finally the Beast grew close enough to where they could actually aim and fire at it. Lucious grab tons of ballista ammo and then God speeded towards every single ballista loading them with the ammo. After that Johnson Lucius and Xander as well as other hunters went to the ground floor to face the Beast head on.

Then a mechanical leg landed right behind them which was revealed to be the massive Cobalt mech known as Atlas.

As to be screw closer the hunters and the neck Rush towards the Beast the Mac punching the beast in the face as the hunters began to scale the Beast with climbing tools. Then we see ballista fire constantly hitting the Beast trying to get under its scales to land a hit on its flesh.

Some made it some didn't regardless a lot of the hunters were able to scale the Beast and get on its back. They saw crystals on lining the Beast back massive crystals to be exact.

"Attention all hunters" the commander said to the com link. "Your mission is to kill it to those aiming the ballistas keep firing and to those on the Beast itself make sure you attack their crystals that's where it stores the excess heat that emits from its body. If we do that the heat will cause in a ruption causing the Beast to stop moving momentarily this is where the people manning the ballista will fire the harpoon to keep this beast in place." The commander continued. The hunters knotted and then turned off their com links.

Hunter's ran to the crystals and started attacking them some using hammer some using swords some using even pickaxes as well as some bringing along grenades that they activated and threw at the crystals. Each one making a dent until we see Johnson Lucius and Xander managed to destroy one of the crystals causing the Beast to flinch back momentarily halting its movements.

After a few more of the crystals were destroyed the Beast was stopped completely it's movements were either slowed or non-existent then the hunters at the ballista loaded up the grappling harpoons and then fired, the harpoons managed to hit the Beast and get under its scales locking the beast in place.

Now the Beast was halted all that was left was to kill the Beast. Then we see Jay charging up the atlas fist with electricity as it been slug the beast in the face and then another electrified fist hit it in the belly.

The tides of battle were turning in the Hunter's favor. But then they heard it the Beast Lord and anger as its wings unfurled revealing their true size it then flapped its wings repeatedly as the grappling harpoons then broke off to the sheer wind pressure.

The Beast was able to move as it reared up on its hind legs as a weird it's head back charging it up with a White flame.

Then lightning surrounded the flame as it then swung its head down firing the electrified flame releasing a massive explosion that's an atlas and every Hunter on it and at the barricades backwards some hunters fell to their death some manage to stay on the Beast using their grappling gear.

The atlas managed to get itself back up as an electrified its fist. As I was about to land another punch the Beast taught it and then bit into the atlas's arm tearing it off.

That's when things went downhill. The Beast then uses other arm to slam it's fist into the atlases stomach cavity absolutely destroying it causing it to lose all motor functions in its legs. Then the Beast started to release intense amount of heat to the point of where the Beast was blanketed in fire.

Thankfully the hunters that were still on it managed to get off landing on the ground safely.

Then we see Lucius grab Johnson and Xander and then godspeed all the way back to the barricade finding multiple burning corpses as well as seeing hundreds of other hunters dangling on the side of the barricade holding on for dear life.

Then the Beast charged up its White flame again. With lightning surrounding the flame yet again as of then swung its head back down releasing another blast. The hunters that were on the ground burn to death or were electrocuted.

The tides were clear the Beast had already won. The most the hunters that were left could do now was evacuate the entirety of highway City but then in that moment a black flash hit the beast in the neck going straight through it. Then we watch as the Beast head fell off as they're now stood on top of the Beast head the very same man who Johnson Lucius and Xander had fought days ago.

Nemesis. But why was he here?

Then nemesis disappeared into red smoke that admitted from the severed head of the ogre dragon.

That man had killed something in one blow that would have killed everyone else. And there everyone stood and sheer shock they were confused surprised out right terrified of what they just witnessed.

Nothing in this hunt made sense. Why did the ogre dragons show up now and why was Nemesis here and how did he just kill that thing.

There was so many questions left on answered but all the hunters could do now was be thankful that their lives were saved


This was hectic and I'm not really sure if this is a good page because I'm being honest I don't really think the writing here was superb and I'm definitely not proud of this page right now but anyway that's all

Rock on till You drop tata fuckers 🤟

nexus: Ogre Slayer Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora