Shinazagawa Genya x Female Reader

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Requested by: Muichiroisacutie7

Summary: you were Zenitsu's sister, and you first met Genya at the Final Selection, and when he first met you, he knew it was true love.  After he'd seen you survived, he wanted to impress you, but Tanjiro ended up making a fool out of him when Tanjiro broke Genya's arm.  Since you were clearly unimpressed by Genya, he resorted to stalking- I mean watching over you- to figure out what you liked.  When he knew everything about you, he planned out how to confess and hove you not reject him.  His plans were ruined when someone told you he'd been watching you... and his temper spiraled out of control.

Tws: Stockholm syndrome

Genya was ready.  Everything was prepared, and he was finally going to confess to the girl he truly loved, L/N Y/N.

Everything about her was perfect.  The way she laughed, the way she smiled, the way she scolded her younger brother: she was perfection personified.  And at long last, she was going to be Genya's.

He smiled as he made his way to the door of his older brother's estate, and froze when his eyes met those of the very girl who had been running around Genya's thoughts since he'd met her in Final Selection a few years ago.

"Y-Y/N!" he smiled dimmed when he saw the expression on her face.  She looked absolutely livid.

"Shinazagawa Genya.  Stay the hell away from me, you creep." 

Her voice held a coldness to it he hadn't known she was able to feel.  She didn't care that she was breaking his heart.  

"W-what?  Why?  What did I do?"

Y/N glared at him, and the amount of hate and disgust in that one look alone made Genya want to curl up into a ball and die.  

"Do you know the good thing about being friends with a few people with enhanced senses is?  Whenever someone is, say for example, stalking you, not only are those people able to tell you you're being watched by a stranger, they're also able to tell you exactly who's watching you."  She gave Genya a pointed look.  "Every single one said it was you."

His whole world shattered as she turned her back on him, unable to look him in the eyes now that she knew what Genya's true self was.  Why was she so angry with him?  He was just making sure she was okay.  She had to have known that, right?

Speaking of knowing... Genya had to take care of a few errands.  Like, for example, killing off her friends and brother.

Sure, Y/N would be mad.  But, with a bit of isolation, she wouldn't be able to feel any of the hate anymore.  She'd willingly be with him, and Genya would make her the happiest woman alive.  They would both get their happily ever after.

The first ones to die were the Kamados.  Since Y/N was being comforted by her brother at a nearby Wisteria Inn, Tanjiro and Nezuko were outside to keep watch for Genya himself.  The demon slayer was quick to shoot, and the two siblings dropped like flies.

The boy with the boar mask heard the noise, and came barreling outside.  Genya was prepared for that though, and within seconds, his head was on the ground too.

All that was left was Zenitsu.  He wasn't going to be much of a threat anyway.

Sure enough, the Agatsuma siblings were already braced for battle, katanas in hand.  As expected, Zentisu was shaking, and with a quick swing of his wakizaashi, Zenitsu was also dead.  

The horror of knowing everyone you know and care about had gotten to you.  You were unable to move as the very boy you'd so carelessly insulted only an hour ago swung the hilt of his weapon towards your chin, and knocked you out.

Genya was nothing if not prepared.  He'd known the crows assigned to the dead boys weren't on duty, so there were no pesky birds to report him.  Even his own crow was currently with Oyakata-sama.

He tossed them in the forest he'd been assigned to slay a demon a few months ago, and grinned as he watched the long-turned feral beasts he'd trained devour their meal whole.  Not only were these trained to eat only what he brought them, they were also trained to keep a certain someone in.

Someone who Genya just so happened to love.  Someone who was currently trapped, unable to leave without help.

Someone who now depended on him, Shinazagawa Genya.

736 words

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