Yorrichi x Female Ubuyashiki Reader

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Summary: You were the mother of the Demon Slayer Corps leader at the time Yorrichi was kicked out.  However, you didn't blame him for the faults the others did, and so he remembered your kindness when he left.  When he found you again after a few years, he knew he couldn't let you leave him again.

"Please, it's not his fault his brother went and became a demon.  Nor is it his fault he lost against Kibutsuji.  None of you would have lasted as long as he did, much less survived, so kicking him out only has the Demon Slayers."  You looked at the men around you, hoping for one that could see reason.

Stone cold glares were all you got in response.  "Shut up.  Let the men do the talking, bitch."

You went to protest, only for your son to hold up a hand. 

"Tsugukuni Yorrichi does not have to commit sepaku" he started, earning a relieved sigh from you, and huffs of disapproval from the Hashiras. "However he does have to leave the Demon Slayer Corps for his own safety."

You wanted to argue, but knew this was probably the best option.  If he stayed, Yorrichi would be killed by the other Hashiras, or at least tormented endlessly.  This was the best your son could do.

You watched Yorrichi walk away, and felt a shred of pity for the man.  He was forced to leave behind everything he had known because of his brothers actions.  The world really was a cruel place.

You hoped you'd get the chance to see him again.

Almost a year later, you got your wish.  It was quite a shock, meeting him at a market, but you quickly got caught up on each other's lives.  Yorrichi learned that your son was nearly blind by the sickness that plagued the Ubuyashiki males since they were born, and you learned that Yorrichi continued to slay demons.  What a kind soul.

When you parted ways, you missed the blush on his face.

You woke up to the sound of screaming.  Your mother's senses tingled, and you knew your child was in danger, so you headed to his room right away.

You breath caught in your throat when you saw your son's body, head long since separated from his body.

He was gone.

Footsteps sounded from behind you, and you whipped around to see a bloodstained Yorrichi weilding his signature red katana. 

"What?" was all you could say, to stunned to speak much more than that.

He stalked closer towards you, and you froze, unable to move.  He lifted his sword, and slammed it over your head, effectively knocking you out.

You opened your eyes, immediately remembering the events of the previous time you were awake.  Who knew how long you had been asleep. 

A hole in your heart opened up, and threatened to swallow you whole.  Your baby, your beautiful boy, was gone.  Killed by someone you had considered a friend.

You gagged, still able to smell the blood from a room you had long since exited, still able to feel the blood on your hands.

The door opened, and your head immediately shot up to see your son's murderer strolling in. 

He seemed happy that you were awake, and sat beside you on the bed.  Then, he raised his arm, and placed in around your shoulders.

You pushed him away.  Why the hell did he think he could cuddle with you after what he did? 

"Y/N? Is something the matter?"  You could sense the underlying threat in his tone, but couldn't care less. 

"Whats wrong?  Are you really asking me that, after what you did?! You murdered my son!" you hissed.

He couldn't seem to comprehend why you were mad, but an idea seemed to come to him.

"You're upset because your child is gone?"

You were confused, but went on, sealing your fate.  "Of course I'm upset about that!"

Yorrichi smiled, happy that it was something so simple.  So easily fixed.

"Don't worry my love," he started, pulling you towards him.  "I can give you another.  More than one"

686 words

Yandere Kny x Reader Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن