Gotou x Gender Neutral Reader

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Requested by: Lea_Keiiro

Summary: you and Gotou were very much in love, and one day, he proposed to you.  You said yes, and lived your days happily with him.

"Y/N, my love, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife for all of eternity?"

You started down at the male kneeling in front of you, emotions running rampant through your veins.

You were overjoyed.  You loved Gotou, and hoped he loved you. 

So it took no effort on your part to say yes.  To plan out an elaborate ceremony the both of you were excited for.

The only day more perfect was your actual wedding day.  Walking down the isle in a dress lighter than a feather, feeling like you were walking on clouds as you glided towards your soon-to-be husband, it was greater than anything anything you'd ever dreamed of.

There was, of course, the night after the marriage, but that is a topic best left for another time.

You and your husband soon settled into the married life, learning to share space with each other and enjoying every moment of it.

Then came the news no woman wanted to hear: you couldn't have children.

You wept, and your loving husband held you when you cried, only leaving your side when work required him to.

One day, he returned with a bunch of teenagers.

They all seemed to be around the same age, and seemed to trust each other greatly.

Gotoi later explained that all the children were technically orphans, who hadn't been properly adopted by anyone.

When he'd heard their stories, he thought of you, and invited them to his home.  Now, he looked you in the eyes, and asked if you'd like to adopt this ragtag group of children.

Looking at the hope in their eyes, a smile rose to your face.

"I'd be more than happy to."

And that was that.

320 words

Yandere Kny x Reader Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें