Kokoshibo x Child Reader (Platonic)

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Summary: You were an orphan, your parents killed by demons.  You nearly died from that same demon yourself  but were saved by Uppermoon 1, Kokoshibo.  You've been living with him ever since.

"Kokoshibo-tou-san, can we go to the market?  We're running low on milk and bread." you asked.  Despite being only twelve, it was your job to tell Kokoshibo when you were out of things.  After all, he didn't know what humans needed anymore.

He nodded, and you turned away to get ready.

Mini Time Skip

"Do you want to try this on miss? We have a change room in the back.  We'll even send a messager to your guardian."  You nodded, and followed the man to guide you, until something stopped you.  You had never brought Kokoshibo to this part.  Even if you had, this vendor had gotten here after your last visit, so he shouldn't know you.  You kept quiet anyways, knowing you could defend yourself against a mere human.

He led you around the corner, to what indeed looked like a change room.  Perhaps he wasn't lying...

But even as you thought it, several humans emerged from the room, all carrying swords.  Demon Slayers then.  The shopkeepers hands planted themselves on your shoulders, halting your movements.  The Slayers stared at you in silence, no doubt trying to get a read on you.  You surveyed them in turn and were disappointed in what you saw. 

Only two Slayers stood out.  A tall dude, clearly blind and carrying beads, and a young boy with beautiful teal streaks in his hair.  The rest looked... uninteresting.  Boring to you.

The blind guy spoke first.  "Have you heard of demons, child?"  "Yes.  They killed my parents."  Your reply held no emotion, since you didn't really care about your old life anymore.  You had Kokoshibo now, and that's all that mattered.

He ignored your lack of emotion and continued.  "Have you heard of Upper and Lowermoons?"  Once again, you answered "Yes.  One of them took me in after my parents death six years ago."  There was no point in lying.  They clearly already knew.  Indeed, the other Slayers faces held no shock.

A different Slayer muttered something about killing you, but the blind guy shushed him.  You thought it might have something to do with getting information from you, so you made your idea on that clear. 

"I will not be telling you where he is."  You knew they'd most likely kill you now, but whatever. 

With a sigh, they attacked.  And you returned the favor.

For six years, you had been living with Kokoshibo, the strongest Moon, and the second- strongest demon.  When it came to training, you had benefits.

When Kokoshibo came to find you, he smelled blood.  Not yours, though you were covered in it.  The bodies of the shopkeeper, two Hashira, and about two dozen normal Slayers littered the ground. 

"Do you have the milk and bread?"  He nodded.  "Then let's go home.  I tire of these humans company." 

He grabbed your hand, and you left.

509 words
This was a request, so I hope you liked it.  I personally don't.  I don't feel like I made Kokoshibo a yandere, but more of a father figure.  Let me know what y'all think though.  Feel free to vote and request, and check out my other books.

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