Agatsuma Zenitsu x Female Reader

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Requested by: IHeartMuichiro

Summary: you were the lady that Zenitsu was trying to get with when Tanjiro first met him. Unlike the original lady, you agree to give him a chance.

F/N= fiances name

Tws: domestic abuse, assault

You noticed a blob of bright yellow on the ground, and your concern got the best of you.  You went to check to see if the person was okay.

As soon as you roused him from his slumber, he latched onto you like a leech.  No amount of smacking, pushing, or shaking him would make him let go.

Thankfully a savior came.  He peeled the blonde boy off of you, and scolded him for causing a racket.  He told him off for harassing you.

The growing smile on your face was wiped off when the crybaby started saying you and him were going to get married.

"I only came to check on you to see if you were okay!  Who said anything about getting married?"  You scoffed, and went to walk away.  "With all that energy, I'd say your back to full health."

The boy latched onto your arm, and once more you attempted to pry him off of you.

"So you didn't come check on me out of love?"

Anger filled your veins, and you hissed out the next few sentences.  "Of course not!  I have a fiance!"  Not a very good one, but a fiance nonetheless.

You forced yourself to calm down when both boys eyes filled with concern.  Your next few lines were certainly more polite.

"Perhaps I'd be willing to be your friend, sir, but I'm afraid anything other than that is impossible.  Send me a letter if you wish to speak with me again."

And with that, you went on your your way, sure- and hoping- you'd never hear from him again.

You woke up the next day to the mail man knocking on your door, a letter in hand.

Irritation filled you again when you noticed it wasn't in your fiance or families hand. 

Sure enough, the letter read 'To the beautiful woman I met yesterday,'

You sighed, but despite yourself kept reading.

'My name is Agatsuma Zenitsu.  I believe we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, and I wish to apologize for my behavior yesterday.

I truly had believed that there was something special between us, and now that I look back at my actions I realize why you reacted the way you did.

I'm not only writing to you to apologize, though.  You did say I could send you letters if I wished to befriend you.  And I do.

That is all I want, is to be your friend.  If you do not want to, I will understand.  I did act in a unmanly way, and I'd be scared off if I was in your shoes.

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