Iguro Obanai x Female Reader (Lemon)

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Summary: You are the new pillar the Moon Pillar.  You've never really gotten close to people, since you have social issues (A.N same), but you allow yourself to attend a dinner with all the Hashira's.  (A.N you were invited and introduced to everyone by Mitsuri, and F/R means favorite restaurant).

¨Please L/N-chan!  All the Hashiras are going, even Tomioka-san!¨.  Now that got your attention.  The only Hashira you liked (simply because he didn't try to interact with you), was going.  With a sigh, you realized you would go.  Not only because Kanroji-chan wouldn't leave you alone until you said yes, but because although you despised people, you did not want to be known as ¨the girl with less friends then Tomiaka-san¨, as some random lady with a butterfly pin had taken to calling you.  

¨Fine.¨ you say, causing her to instantly light up. ¨Wonderful!  You really wont regret this L/N-chan!!¨ she gushed, telling you about how awesome the dinner was going to be. She trailed off when she noticed you staring at her blankly. ¨Oh!  I'm so sorry!!  I'll go so you can get ready! I'll be waiting outside for you, ok?¨.  At your nod, she left the room.  Releasing a sigh, you went to your closet to decide what to wear.

Time Skip

¨Kanroji-chan, I'm ready to go.¨ you say, exiting your estate.  ¨You look wonderful, now let's  go!¨.  With that, she grabbed your wrist, and began to pull you in a random direction.  

Time Skip: 15 minutes later

¨Alrighty, we're here!   This restaurant is one of the best in Japan F/R!¨ Kanroji exclaimed, and your eyes sparkled.  This used to be your favorite place, before you became a demon slayer.  After that, there wasn't enough time for personal time anymore.  How could you sit down, and have a night out, while people were being butchered?  How could you allow yourself to ignore that?

¨There's the rest of the Hashira over there!¨ Kanroji exclaimed, dragging you towards a booth.  Most of the Hashira were all crowded around a booth with two seats left, presumably for you and Kanroji.  However... one of the Hashiras was sitting apart from the rest.  

¨Kanroji-chan, L/N-chan, come sit over here!¨ a guy with flame-colored hair called over to us.  (A.N let me know of any mistakes in what they call each other)  As we approached the group, you scanned them to hopefully put names to their faces.  There was the random lady that had issues with your lack of interest in anything social.  There was the white-haired, purple-eyed guy who had screamed at you your first day here.  There was another white-haired guy with two swords, and a red mark on his face.  There was a guy with heterochromia with a snake, a blind giant, and a guy with black hair and teal tips.  And of course, the only Hashira you knew by name, Tomioka-san.

When we got to the table, everyone turned and stared at you silently.  After about 30 seconds, you were sick of it and asked ¨How come Tomioka-san is sitting apart from you?¨.  The girl with the butterfly pin seemed annoyed, no doubt remembering the conversation she'd had with you last week..... where you hadn't remembered her name.  Seems she was still pissed.

Nonetheless, she answered you with ¨Since Tomioka-san doesn't have friends, we figured it'd be easier for him to sit alone, as opposed to the rest of us.¨.  For a moment I stared.  I blinked once at them, then twice.  No one but Kanroji-chan seemed bothered, which made my respect for her go up.... enough so that I mentally filed her name away to remember later.  

After that, I turned to the group and gave them a venomous smile.  ¨Well, seeing how you treat him I can't blame him for not wanting to be your friend.  This may be the first time I went out as a group with you Hashiras, but kakushis talk you know!  Perhaps that's why he doesn't spend time with any of you!  Lord knows I wouldn't!¨.  And with that, I walked over and sat next to Tomioka-san, with Kanroji-san following.


Iguro Obanai thought he'd always be in love with someone he wasn't good enough for.  (A.N. If you've read the manga, you know why.  If not, I'll try to avoid spoilers, but no promises.)  Kanroji Mitsuri was the embodiment of perfection.  Kind, strong, and not afraid to speak her mind.   It was no surprise he'd fallen in love with her.

But you.... you were different.  You weren't friendly with the Hashiras (with Tomioka and Kanroji as the exception).  Although you were strong (you had to be since you were a Hashira after all) no one knew how strong you were, since you refused to go on any missions with any of them.  ANd yet, there was something about you that drew him in, more so than Kanroji could.  

And so his obsession begun. 

(811 words)

I know I said it would be a lemon, but I didn't want to rush it.  I'll have a lemon in Part 2.

Up Next: Kamado Tanjiro x Female Reader (Requested)

                   Akaza x Female Reader (Lemon) (Requested)

                   Part 2 of Muzan x Child Reader (Platonic)

                   Part 2 of Iguro Obanai x Female Reader (Lemon)

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