Tsugikuni Yoriichi x Female Reader

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Another request, I hope you enjoy it.

Summary: You were simply a farmer, who had no idea demons and Demon Slayers existed, until you were nearly killed by a demon, and saved by the current Moon Pillar.  As a way to thank him for saving your life, you decided to give Slayers any foods they wanted for free.  Eventually, the Moon Pillar came back, and brought his brother along with him.

The thing that was trying to eat you growled and swiped for your face, aiming for your throat.  As much as you didn't want to admit it, you knew you were going to lose this fight.  There was barely any strenght left in your limbs, and what little you had was fading fast.  Not to mention there were the large gashes in your side, leaking blood and draining your strength.  

You resigned yourself to your fate: death.  You closed your eyes, hoping that your death might be quick at least.  Instead of death, you felt the creature being lifted off of you.  Your eyes snapped open to see a man with reddish hair and two marks wearing a purple uniform of some kind, and weilding a katana fighting the monster.  

Within seconds the man had sliced its head off, causing it to disenegrate.  He turned to face you, and that's when your body decided it had enough, and you passed out from blood loss and exhaustion.  Hooray!

When you woke up, you were in a hospital room, and the man who'd saved you was right beside you.  You opened your mouth to thank him, and immediately regretted it: your throat was dryer than your dads sense of humor.  He took notice of your distress, and went to retrieve a glass of water.  

You gulped it down like your life depended on it, and then you thanked him.  "Sir, thank you.  I don't know what I can do to repay you for saving me from that, but whatever I can do, please tell me!"  

He seemed genuinely taken aback by your eagerness, and stuttered out a response. "Just don't go out after the sun goes down, okay?"  

You nodded rapidly, and he left.

Several days later, you were finally released from the hospital.  And despite him saying all you had to do was stay inside after dark, you decided to put your farming abilities to use, and feed and Demon Killers (A.N.  Keep in mind, Michikatsu never told her about the Demon Slayer Corps, so she doesn't know the proper name.) free of charge.  It was the least you could do, seeing as they fought for humanities safety every night.  They fought for your safety.

And so, you lived your life, still taking that mans words to heart, thinking you'd never see him again.  But then again, fate is never what we believe.

"Sir!  Can I get you and your companions anything?"  Suddenly, there he was.  The person who'd saved you.  He wasn't alone: there was two other people.  One of them had a haori with a lightning pattern on it, which suited his blond hair nicely.  

The other person with your saviour looked almost identical to him, the only difference being their colors in clothes, and your rescuer had two scars on his face, and this guy had one.  Perhaps they were siblings.  Maybe twins.

"Hello young miss!" the brighter of the similar men answered instead.  "My brother, Michikatsu, and my comrade, Rai, are looking for some lettuce, beef, potatoes, and tomatoes, if you have some."  You nodded, and quickly went and retrieved the items you needed.  You bagged them up nicely, and denied any kind of payment they tried to offer you.

"You already protect us, so no need." you answered, and then they left.

But for some reason, ever since that day, you'd felt eyes on you.  No matter where you went, the eyes followed.  This went on for months and months, and with the eyes came the loss of people you cared for.  Friends, family members, pets for Christ's sake: no one, and nothing, was safe.

It drove you over the edge.  You used you knowedge of plants, you brewed yourself a deadly drink, and drank it down in one swallow.  As for the watcher?

He was upset you died before he'd had the chance to talk to you more, but some things can't be helped.  At least he knew you wouldn't cheat on him, right?

729 words

I hope the person who requested this enjoyed it.

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