Kamado Nezuko x Female Reader

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Requested by: manga_partner

Summary: you were a family friend of the Kamados, and had helped Tanjiro carry charcoal the night Muzan killed most of his family.  You were also with him when he found the bodies.  When Tomioka Giyuu appeared, and told Tanjiro about Urokudaki, you went with him to train to be a Demon Slayer.  When Nezuko woke up, she became emotionally attached to you, and clung to you like a monkey everytime she was out of her box.  When you, Tanjiro, and Nezuko were sent to the Spider Mountain, you were able to see how much Nezuko cared for you.

You were going to die.

It was all Tanjiro's fault.  If he hadn't provoked the damn Lowermoon, knowing he wasn't strong enough to defeat it, this wouldn't be happening.  Stupid, stupid, stupid!

The fucking bastard didn't seem to know how much danger he'd put everyone in.  Even though the demon had revealed itself as one of the Twelve Kizuki, Tanjiro still seemed to think he could beat it!

But you knew he'd fail.  So it was no surprise to you when the demon sent threads to slice Tanjiro like sushi.  

It was a shock to you when Nezuko jumped out of her box to take the hit, but on second thought, that was actually normal: she had a habit of only appearing when her big brother was in danger.  The Lowermoons webs embedded in her arms and legs, and blood dripped from cuts that went to the bone.

"Nezuko!" you and Tanjiro shouted at the same time, rushing over to help her as she collapsed.  From behind you, the sounds of muttering and arguing from the two demons that were behind you reached your ears.

"Hey.  That demon.. is she your sister?"

Tanjiro whirled to face the demon, releasing Nezuko into your care as he directed his anger to the one who'd harmed Nezuko.  "So what if she is?"

And the demon was back to muttering to himself.  Something about how he needed the bond, whatever that meant.  "Hey, boy!  Give me your sister, and I might spare your life."

Tanjiro argued with him, telling him that there was no way he'd ever relinquish Nezuko to a monster like him.

This angered the boy, and though you attempted to stop it, there wasn't much you could do as the threads binding Nezuko yanked her from your arms and held her, suspended in the air.

"Let her go!" you and Tanjiro shouted once more in sync, and fought the demon together. 

You ended up gaining a few scratch marks from the fight, and the demon still wasn't dead.  However, Nezuko was starting to wake up...

That bastard... how dare he hurt Y/N?!  I kill him!!!

That was when Nezuko awakened her Blood Demon Art: Exploding Blood.  With her help, you were able to slice off the head of Lowermoon Five.

Not that it was the end of the battle.  No, it wasn't.  The demon had apparently sliced his own head off before the swords did, and he was less than impressed with almost dying.  In fact, he was ready to kill you both.

You and Tanjiro were tired.  You couldn't muster up the energy to move out of the way of an attack that would claim your lives.  You were going to die.

Thankfully, a Hashira came and rescued you three.  After another Hashira tried to kill you, it was decided your trio would go to the Demon Slayer Headquarters.

And everything went smoothly.

Nezuko was able to keep her obsession with you hidden from everyone, even Zenitsu and her own brother.  And from you.

587 words

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