Tomioka Giyuu x Female Reader (Part 2)

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Summary: after receiving a marriage proposal from a man in the village, Giyuu grew upset and tore him apart.  He then kidnapped you.

Tws: bit of Stockholm syndrome

He stalked closer, and closer...

And closer...

Until he came to a stop in front of you.  He knelt to the ground so you could see his face, really see him while he talked, as this was an important conversation.

"Y/N.  You know I love you, right?"

You glared at him, the memory of the dead villager still in your mind. 

He flinched away from your glare, looking almost wounded.  You didn't ease up on your glare though: he deserved to know that you were mad.

"Well I do love you." he started, a little shaky at your lack of a response.  "And I think it would be best if you and I got married."

That made your glare go away, for your face morphed into an expression of shock.  Did Giyuu really expect you to want to marry him?  After what you'd literally seen him do?

He seemed to read your face, and a smile grew on his.  He stood up, and walked towards the exit.

"If you don't marry me Y/N, I'll kill your parents.  If you still refuse to have me, I'll bring in the villagers and their children, and slaughter them.  Choose wisely."

And with that, he left, leaving you alone qith your thoughts, and the crippling weight of a moral decision.

In the end, to spare your home the despair, you did choose to marry Giyuu.  As much of a murderer as he was, you had to admit he did treat you nicely.  As long as no escape plans happened, he pretty well treated you like a normal wife.

You found yourself falling for him, though you tried to deny your own heart.  Eventually, there was nothing you could do.  You had fallen head over heels with him.

You and Giyuu eventually had two kids together: one boy, and one girl. 

Giyuu decided to name them Sabito and Tsutako respectively.  And you all lived happily ever after.

352 words

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