Kokoshibou x Female Reader

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I don't remember who requested this, all I remember is they wanted it to be dark.

Summary: you were the Water Pillar, Tomioka Giyuu's tsugoku, and were very dedicated to slaying demons.  While on a mission one day, you ran into Uppermoon One.  Even though you refused his offer of becoming a demon adamantly, he ignored your wishes and turned you into a demon regardless.  What he didn't expect was for you to still hold your memories.  Unfortunately, your obvious hatred towards him only made him more determined to give you some (very unwanted) love.

Tws: r@pe, non-con, kidnapping, some very dark shit ahead.

Stalking through the night, your guard up, you headed towards the direction you were sent in by your crow.  As you walked now, innocent civilians were likely being murdered by demons.

You couldn't let that happen.  It was your job to not let that happen, and you followed your job with passion and dedication.

You quickened your pace, you intuition telling you that a demon lay nearby.

Soon enough, you were able to feel it's overwhelming aura. 

By that alone, you were able to deduce that this specific demon was one of the Twelve Kizuki, perhaps even an Uppermoon.  You hadn't even met the demon face to face, but already your instincts were telling you to run in the opposite direction.

You didn't listen to them of course.  Only a complete moron would become a demon slayer and attempt to run from a demon, even if it was of a high rank.

Worst case scenario, you died, at which point another slayer would take your place.  Best case scenario, you lived, and either took out a Kizuki, or gathered information on said Kizuki, which makes it so other slayers that face it are able to survive.

So without a second thought, you followed the power. 

As you got closer, you found it harder to move forward, your muscles beginning to lock up.  Despite this, you pushed forward, determination flowing through your veins.

You would fight this demon.

It was that thought that played through your mind enough for you to reach the demon.  His back was turned to you, so you couldn't see his rank right away, but you could see he used a katana.

Perhaps he was a demon slayer in his past life.

Damn traitor.

As you took a step towards him, he turned to face you, revealing his eyes.  And therefore revealing his very high rank.

Uppermoon One.

Shock and downright horror filled your mind, but you refused to let it take over entirely.  You had a battle to finish after all.

You rushed towards the demon, intending to attack it head on and surprise it.  The quicker this could be over with, the better for you.

"Water Breathing: First Form: Water Surface Slash!"

You were hoping it would at least connect with a part of his body.  You were sorely disappointed.

The clashing of metal on metal alerted you to his block, and was the only warning you got as he repeatedly slashed with his sword at you.

"Water Breathing: Third Form: Flowing Dance!"

Using this form, you were able to block a majority of his attacks.  One of them landed on your left eye though, and you hissed in pain, jumping back to create some distance.

When you were far enough back you raised your hand to your eye.

You were screwed.  This demon had all but blinded you in one eye, leaving you with a very large weakness.

Yandere Kny x Reader OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin