Gotou x Female Reader

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Requested by: Lea_Keiiro

Summary: you were a civilian, unaware of the demons VS slayers war until you came face to face with one munching on your village.  Thankfully a demon slayer managed to rescue you in time, and you eventually decided to move villages, and not become a slayer.  It was during the move you met your soon to be husband.

You shot up out of bed, your body screaming at you that there was something, wrong, that you had to run.

You slipped on your shoes, and opened the door.  Only to freeze immediately.

Blood littered the streets.  Body parts lay scattered like used toys.

And in the middle of it all, was a monster. 

It had grey skin, and red eyes.  In its hands was some sort of organ (perhaps a heart, though you weren't quite sure), and it was eating it!

The thing stopped, and seemed to sense it wasn't alone.  It turned towards you, and you just stood there, unable to move. 

Even as the monster stalked towards you, you shaking limbs refused to obey your brains command to run as fast as you could.

It was almost upon you now, and far too late to run.

Your eyes remained open as it's hands reached for your face.  They moved closer... and closer... and closer.

Just when it's fingertips brushed against the sides of your face, just when you thought it was all over, a flash of pink and green appeared behind the monster, and it's head fell to the ground.

With it gone, your fear also vanished, allowing you to move again.  You lifted your head, and saw a woman with pink and green hair, wearing very revealing clothes barely covering her parts.

You fell to your hands and knees and thanked her profusely.  She seemed nervous, and shrugged off your thanks before leaving.

Deciding that you no longer wished to remain in a village that held old memories and dead bodies, you started packing all your valuables.  Pictures, childhood items, anything you knew you couldn't replace, it all went into a bag.

When the only thing left in your home was furniture, you opened the door and left.

As you made your way through town, you found yourself choking on the smell of blood.  The monster had torn everybody in town apart, and it was difficult to breathe without smelling that.

You started to panic, eventually slowing down into a complete stop, as you thought about all the people who had died.  Men, women, hell even children, had been murdered, and somehow only you survived.

The thought made your breaths come faster, and your vision became spotty.

As you heard someone asking if you were okay, you passed out.

When you came too, you were not in your village.  The smell of blood had long since been left behind.

You sat up, noting that your bags had also been brought with you.

The sound of moving feet drew your attention, and as you waited, an amber eyed man walked over.

He wore a brown, black, and white uniform, with some sort of face covering that only showed his eyes.  Those eyes held nothing but concern when they landed on you.

"Good morning, Miss!  I am Gotou, a kakushi from the demon slayer corps."  Seeing your confusion, he clarified.  "Kakushi are basically cleanup and medic crew.  We patch up the living and get them to better help, and we bury the dead."

You nodded, not needing him to continue.  You got the picture.  Hearing more would only fill you with guilt.

The man- Gotou- seemed to realize something. 

"Miss, you were trying to leave, right?"  At your nod, he brightened.  "Let me help you!  My job here is done, so it really isn't a bother helping you out."

A bit taken aback by his enthusiasm, you hesitantly accepted his offer.

And with that, your things were moved to your new house.  You moved back to your old village, and with Gotou's help, you were all settled in within a week.

When he left, you were quite disappointed, as you thought that meant youd never see him again.

You, thankfully, were proven wrong.

After a few days of living in your new home, Gotou showed up.  You played cards with him until he had to leave for his job, but he made sure to promise to come back.

As for you, you waited with happiness in your heart, for him to come back.

747 words

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