Tsugukuni Yorrichi x Female Reader

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I don't remember who wanted this, but I hope you enjoy it.

Summary: you were a demon slayer, though not quite a Hashira.  However, you were Uta's old friend, and had joined the Corps with Yorrichi to help protect others from sharing her fate.  While working and training alongside you, Yorrichi found himself falling in love again.

The Sun Hashira grinned as his wooden training sword pressed into yours, muscles aching as he fought to keep the upper hand.

It was difficult, especially with one of the greatest swordswomen of all time being his opponent, but he managed.

However, he couldn't push her back, so you and Yorrichi were trapped in a stalemate for seconds, before you stepped back.

Opening his mouth, the redhead went to ask you why you'd stopped, but another voice cut him off.

"Caw! Caw!  Mission for Tsugukuni Yorrichi!  Caw!  Caw!"

The male in question sighed in annoyance, but stepped away from you to prepare for his mission. 

"See you when I get back."

It wasn't a question.  He would see you, would drop in with no warning and not even bother to knock.  You'd given up telling him to stop, and just made sure you were all cleaned up long before he got back to your home.

It was your turn to sigh as you thought about all the things you still had to do before you could turn in for the night.  Cleaning out the oven, making sure your uniform had no holes or nasty stains, all the fun stuff.

Sighing again, you went to work.

Le Time Skip

Yorrichi smiled as he made his way down the familiar path that led to your estate.  He'd get to see you soon!

The demon he was sent to deal with wasn't nearly as strong as he'd been told.  In mere seconds, the monster that had terrorized an entire village was decapitated.

So he got to come back to you before the sun came up.  Knowing the Demon Slayers nocturnal schedule, you'd be wide awake right now.

Sure enough, when Yorrichi opened the door to your estate, he could hear you moving around.  He wasn't sure where you were, but decided to wait until you came back to the sitting room to talk to you, just in case you were bathing or whatever.

Soon enough, you came back into the living room, and almost jumped out of your skin when you saw the Sun Breather there.

He smiled apologeticly as you fought to get your heart to stop racing.

It didn't work, and Yorrichi started to get worried.  You sounded like.... you were having a panic attack.

He rushed up from the couch, and went over to make sure you were okay.  Even as his arms wrapped around you in a hug that was supposed to be comforting, you continued to panic.

Just as he was also on the verge of panicking, you snapped out of it and hit him in the stomach.

"Stay at your own house, jackass!  And quit fucking jumpscaring me!"

You hadn't hit Yorrichi hard enough to make him double over, purposely holding back because he was your friend, so you were still close enough to see the confusion, then hurt that crossed his features.

"You're okay?"

You nodded, not sure why he seemed so worried.

"You scared me to death.  I thought you were dying."

You went to pull back, but because his arms were around you, you couldn't.  You were trapped in place, forced to watch the vibrant emotions in his eyes.

Aaaaand, now you felt guilty.  Way to go, Yorrichi!  Now you feel bad!

Lost in thought about how horrible you'd made him feel, Yorrichi took his chance, and lowered his lips to yours.

That certainly snapped you back to reality, and your eyes widened unconsciously.  Before you could grab ahold of yourself, you were kissing him back.

One thing led to another, and you both spent the night in the same bed. 

Quite content the next morning to sleep in, you didn't get out of bed until well after the sun went down the next day.

You and Yorrichi... had fallen in love.

695 words.

Hello, my lovely readers!  Happy belated Halloween!  I just have one quick announcement to make about requesting.  Yes, requests are still open, but I really would appreciate if you put the request on the request page, or sent me a private message.  Either of those options are fine, and make it 10× easier to tag you once your chapter is out.

Yandere Kny x Reader OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora