Kocho Shinobu x Male Reader (Fluff)

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Requested by: shinoloverr

Summary: you were a helper at the Butterfly Mansion (obviously much older than the young'uns) and the Insect Pillar found herself drawn to you. 

You grimaced as you scrubbed at the stained uniform, trying desperately to get the blood and vomit off it.  It would ruin the Mansion's track record if someone came in and recieved a dirty uniform.

So despite how nauseous it made you, you kept scrubbing, fingers wrinkled and sore.

No matter how hard you scrubbed, no matter how many times you dunked the cloth back into the water, one particular stain remained.

You sent it a nasty glare, your irritation letting itself out in a childish display that actually helped you feel better.

"Having trouble?"

You jumped at the sound of a person behind you, having not heard them come in.  Whipping around, your eyes met those of the Insect Hashira, aka your boss.

She giggled at your jumpyness, and when your heart had calmed, you joined in her laughter.

She gave a look to the outfit in your hands, and you remembered what she had asked. 

"Yeah.  There's a particularly stubborn spot, that doesn't seem to want to come out."

She gestured for you to hand her the clothing, and you did, grateful to be relieved of having to clean it.

A smile tugged at her lips at your eagerness, but she fought it, and turned her attention to the ever persistent spot.

Her brows furrowed when she saw it. 

"It's no wonder your having problems with it," she started, "this stain looks like it's been in here for years."

So there was a reason it wouldn't come out.  "Is there a way to get rid if it?"

Shinobu nodded, and you let out a sigh of relief.  Again, it'd be a stain on the mansion if it got out their uniforms weren't cleaned.

Shinobu handed it back to you, who only stared back at her until she sighed.

"You don't know how to do it?"

When you hesitantly looked away, the sound of clothes rustling filled the small room.  Weight draped across your back, and you turned your head back to see Shinobu.

She held the clothes in front of you, a cloth in her hand and an expectant grin on her face.

Ignoring the blush from how close you were with her, you did what you knew she wanted you to, and started scrubbing.

When you made a mistake, she'd gently correct you, her hands featherlight on yours.

In the end, the damn uniform was clean, and you and Shinobu continued your duties, grateful for the peaceful moment between the two of you.

Praying that the next one would be soon.

451 words

Yandere Kny x Reader OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon