Hantengu x Female Demon Reader (Part 2)

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I know it's been a while since I mentioned him, but I've had several requests to do a part two to this specific oneshot, so here we go.

You ran away from the Uppermoon you'd abandoned to fight for himself.  You had to get away before that fight ended: if he won and caught you, you'd be trapped again, forced to serve a monster.  If the slayer won, they'd kill you, no hesitation.

You knew a few hiding places nearby, so you headed towards the nearest one.  You arrived their after about half an hour, and settled down into the cave, hidded by several trees surrounding the entrance.  They were positioned so you could only see the cave if you were standing directly in front of it, making it perfect hiding spot.

You made you way into the bunker at the back, and settled down to take a nap.  All that running and fighting made you tired.  

You woke up, feeling the heavy oppressing aura that could only mean one thing: an Uppermoon was here.  You stilled, and attempted to make yourself as small as possible, hoping it wouldn't notice your presence.  

"Come out, you little bitch.  It was a dick move leaving us behind like that y'know."  

Oh shit. 

Although you were frightened, you couldn't help but be confused.  This didn't sound like the same conwardly demon you'd been spending time with.  Perhaps it was one of his clones?

You got you answer a moment later when the cave collapses on top of you in a flash of lightning.  Despite your current predicament (trying to avoid the demon after you), you unintentionally let out a scream of pain, causing your hunter to find you. 

It was indeed one of the clones that had split from Hantengu after he'd been attacked.  This one held a *shakujo* with lighning flickering around it.  He grabbed your arm, and yanked you out of the rubble with a laugh.

"Oi, Karaku, Urogi, I found her."  He waved you arm to show them he was talking about you, as a winged demon and a demon with a spear came over.  

"How lovely, Sekido." the winged one stated cheerfully, a large blush on his face as he talked to you.  

"How sad.." the other one cut in.  "You both are getting a chance to talk to her, and here I am left with nothing but my own company."

The other demons just sneered at him, and you were handed over to Urogi, who flew you away.  You held on tight despite yourself, not wanting to test your regeneration against high falls.  Urogi took notice of your discomfort, and nearness, and smirked.  He felt something brush against his. penis.  You were in the way though, so he couldn't see what it was.

As you were held in his arms, hugging his chest, you also could not see his reaction.  

He stayed that way, turned on for you, all the way back to the same place you'd ran away from.  There was the personification of cowardice you were used to.  Though he looked more like the personification of sadness with the look of misery on his face. 

You almost felt bad.  Here you were, making him miserable, when he'd been nothing but kind to you.  He saw you weren't happy in the Infinity Fortress, and took you out.  Why did you try to run away again?

You really saw no point.  It wasn't like you had a family, and any human you came across you were just as likely to harm then you were to help.

So why did you try to run away?  Lost in your own thoughts, you didn't even realize how close Hantengu was until he was hugging onto yo for dear life.  Unfortunately for you, because of his hunched back, his hug was putting his face directly into your breasts.

You blushed, and began to pat his back hoping to calm him down and get him off of you, but to no such avail.  He cried even harder, and moved his face so it was more comfortable.  "W-Why would you l-leave m-me." he wailed.

"I wasn't leaving you." you nervously explained.  Yes, you were lying.  But if you could do it right, he would believe you, and leave you alone.

"T-then why did y-you run?" he sniveled, and you felt snot and tears running down your boobs.

"I wanted to make sure I didn't get hurt.  I'm not a fighter, I'm a gardener.  And if I died, that man wouldn't be happy with you, right?  So I left to keep you safe.  Plus, there were a lot of slayers there, and I didn't know if you'd make it out.  I'm so glad you did though." 

You could only hope your answer made sense, and got him to stop crying.  It was honestly surprising how uncomfortable the feeling of water running down your chest was.  "Really?  Y-you really m-mean it?  You a-aren't l-lying to my, r-right?"

 Yes I am, you thought, but answered "Of course not." instead.

Hantengu was silent for a moment, and you breathed out a subtle sigh of relief.  He bought it.


You instantly paled, and began stuttering out reassurances that you weren't lying, but his nails dug into your back, pushing his face closer to you.

He finally looked up, and the rage in his eyes left you speechless. "I was kind enough to let you out, and you leave me to die?  How dare you?"

The yelling the cowardly demon was doing caught the attention of his clones, and the came to check up on the two of you.  Seeing them, Hantengu released you, and pushed you in their direction.

"Make sure she suffers." was all he said as he walked away.

The demons smiled, and stalked towards you.  No one came after your screams.

"Now Y/N, what do we do when someone is kind to you." Hantengu asked, arms wrapped around your shaking body.

"W-we don't try to r-run f-from them." 

He patted your hair.  "Good girl.  Nakime!" 

And back to the fortress you went.

*the type of weapon Sekido uses*

1000 words exactly

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