Kocho Shinobu and Kanroji Mitsuri x Male Reader

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Requested by: shaquilleoatmeeeal

Summary: you were a new addition to the Pillars, taking the ninth spot left behind by Rengoku.  When you were introduced to everyone, the two female Hashiras found themselves in love with you.

From inside the Master's house, you heard him mention that there is a new Pillar.  Taking that as your que, you took a deep breath and stepped onto the porch.

You were met with seven pairs of eyes, and the eighth pair staring at the sky.  You waved slightly, feeling yourself blush from embarrassment and nervousness.

Thankfully, the majority seemed pretty welcoming.  You didn't have much to worry about.

Oyakata-sama went to introduce you, but immediately started coughing so hard blood came out.  His wife helped him, and dismissed the meeting for him.

Right away, the Hashira swarmed you.

"What's your name, jackass?" a white haired man with scars demanded of you.

"L/N Y/N"

"What's your breathing style?"  This time it was a black haired man with ocean blue eyes.


After being interrogated for what felt like hours, you were able to get a good feel for who you'd enjoy talking to.

The Serpent and Wind Pillar were a no go.  They were way to aggressive for your taste, so no making friends with them.

Next out was the Mist Pillar.  He wasn't one for conversation.

You might enjoy talking to the Water Pillar, but he didn't really respond so it was hard to know how he felt.

For sure though, you were going to be friends with the Sound, Stone, Insect, and Love Pillars.  They were all around friendly, and seemed to enjoy talking to you.

You were going to enjoy being a Pillar.

After the Pillars decided to go home, including Y/N, Shinobu decided to talk to Mitsuri.  She had to be clear with something.

"Kanroji?  May I speak with you?"

Turning around, the pinkette smiled happily when she saw her best friend.  "Sure! What do you need?"

The cheerful smile normally on the Pillars face vanished in an instant.  "I know you're the Love Pillar and all, but Y/N is mine. I saw how you were looking at him.  I don't care what I have to do, but he WILL be mine."

Her point now across, Mitsuri waited until she was gone, and grinned.

"We'll see about that."

She strode off in another direction, going straight home to try and find a way to make Y/N love her, and hate Kocho.

Sitting in the tree the Serpent Pillar normally sat in, Uzui Tengen waited until they had both gone out of sight before he left as well, making his way to the H/Ced males house.

What kind of person would he be if he didn't warn you of the danger you might be in.

Thinking nothing of what the two had said, thinking it as a small crush two people who had experienced loss had gained, Y/N brushed it off.

A few months later, his decision came back to bite him in the ass.

Their initially 'harmless crush' had escalated into complete and utter obsession.  The two were even willing to go so far as to murder the other, and let the winner of their duel keep you.

You didn't know if they meant as some sort of slave, but you really weren't interested in finding out.

So while they were distracted, you took the chance to book it out of there.  And that led you to two paths.

You chose the path on the right, for it seemed more welcoming and friendly.  That meant that there was a higher chance of someone being able to help you.

Sure enough, you came upon a house. Nit wad relatively normal sized and housed tons of sweet treats.  Hungry from all the running you had done, you ate a few.

After almost an hour, the sound of footsteps reached your ears, and you stood up. 

Your heart sank as you saw oneof the people you'd been running from enter the estate.

She started when she saw you, and her expression morphed to one of joy.  She ran towards you, and in your dazed state you didn't have the energy to run from her as she pulled you into a sickeningly sweet embrace.

"I'm so glad your here!  And you enjoyed my mochi, right?"  She giggled, sheer joy oozing through her, even as you filled with sorrow.

As you tried to pull away from her, Kanroji pulled you closer, until you suffocated from it.

When you woke up, there was no escape.

You chose the path on the left, as it did seem lived in, but also older.  If luck was on your side, perhaps there would be people you could hide with.

So down the path you went.

You walked for almost an hour, and came across the Butterfly Mansion.  You paled, and turned around, ready to go as fast as you could in the other direction.

Standing in your way was Shinobu.

Her calm smile never wavered from her face, but her eyes showed unending wrath.

You opened your mouth to speak to her, but a flash of white showed her movements.  With a pinch in the arm, you passed out.

There was no escape for you now.

888 words

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