Iroh II x reader Soldier Girl

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In the Fire Nation military camp, Y/N was surrounded by a group of male soldiers during a training session. As she focused on perfecting her form, the atmosphere crackled with teasing remarks and flirtatious comments.

"Look who decided to join the men's club." One of the soldiers said. "You think you can keep up, sweetheart?"

Undeterred, Y/N continued her training, determined to prove herself amidst the hushed comments.

Another said. "I heard General Iroh brought you here as some kind of charity case. Think you'll make it through the day without breaking a nail?"

Y/N gritted her teeth, channeling her frustration into each precise movement. The soldiers' comments persisted, but just as the tension reached its peak, General Iroh arrived, sensing the toxicity in the air.

"Enough of this nonsense. Y/N is here to train, just like the rest of you. Disrespect will not be tolerated." The General declared.

The soldiers exchanged uneasy glances, silenced by the commanding presence of their superior. However, the teasing continued in hushed tones.

"Watch her struggle." A third soldier mumbled. "This is a man's world, after all."

Y/N clenched her fists, refusing to let their words break her spirit. General Iroh, however, noticed the persistent hostility and stepped forward, addressing the soldiers directly.

General Iroh's eyes narrowed with conviction as he addressed the soldiers. "Skill and dedication," he emphasized, gesturing towards Y/N's determined training, "are the qualities I seek in every soldier, regardless of gender." His gaze swept across the assembly, unyielding. "If you can't understand that, you don't belong in my camp."

The weight of General Iroh's words hung in the air, and slowly, the soldiers began to comprehend the gravity of their actions. The training session continued, but the atmosphere had shifted.

As the days went by, Y/N's skill became undeniable, and the soldiers' attempts to belittle her turned into admiration. General Iroh found himself drawn to Y/N's determination, and during a moment alone, he couldn't help but express his feelings.

General Iroh's eyes softened as he met Y/N's gaze, and he stepped closer, his tone more intimate. "Y/N, I've watched you face adversity with unmatched strength. Your spirit is a beacon of resilience, and it has captured my admiration."

Y/N, taken aback by his sincerity, felt a warmth in her chest. "Thank you, General. Your support has made a world of difference."

Iroh's gaze softened, and he offered a warm smile as he took a step closer. "Call me Iroh. And perhaps," he said, his tone carrying a hint of anticipation, "when this is all over, we can share a quiet moment over tea. There's much more to talk about."

Y/N's eyes met Iroh's with a mixture of gratitude and a spark of something more. A small smile played on her lips. "Iroh, I'd like that. I really would."

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