Hold Me Like A Grudge (From Last Century)

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Things felt a bit different when I awoke from my slumber. Yes, Gladius and Maple were curled up on my chest as always, but something in the air felt different. It was this sense of nostalgia, like we were looking into the past. With a tired sigh, I slowly moved to sit up, getting a sleepy look from the Wasabi Whip and a hushed mumble from the sword. I rubbed my face, reaching over and grabbing my glasses from the nightstand. Putting them on, I scanned around the dimly lit room.

From the sleeping forms, I could see Ralph, Marco and Manolo still out cold. I smiled lightly, eyelids still drooping as the wrecker's snores almost lulled me back into slumber. With a silent groan, I tossed the blanket aside and slipped on my socks before trudging out of the boy's room.

I made my way down the hall, a sleepy Maple on my shoulder and a still sleeping Gladius under my arm. The TARDIS was quiet, aside from the ambient noises that seemed to speak to me. I smiled as a happy beep echoed through the main room, and I raised a hand in greeting. Snorting to clear my nose just a bit, I made my way to the kitchen.

Of course, it was empty, so I simply pulled out some fruit and a glass of water. I set Gladius down on the table, and then Maple before sitting down and eating my somewhat simple and rushed breakfast as my two companions shifted before returning to sleep.

I smiled as I chewed, reached over and pet the Wasabi Whip on his head. He smiled sweetly and leaned into my touch, making my heart warm.

Only for it to nearly stop when someone kicked the door open.

"AAAAAAAAAA!!!" I shrieked out in shock, Maple and Gladius flying into the air and latching onto me fearfully. I spun around, and we saw Corey standing before the now open door with his fists on his hips and a grin on his face.

"What the hell, Core?!" I cried. "What was that about?!"

"It's because it's a huge day, dude!" The band leader said proudly. "And I need your guy's help!"

I cocked an eyebrow, Maple still clutching his whip around my head, while Gladius had recovered from the fright and was now hovering by my side.

"What, pray tell, is so important that you had to give the three of us heart attacks?" The sword spat in annoyance.

"It's the anniversary of Peaceville's founding! And since The Doc is a time traveller, I thought he'd be a massive help!"

I tilted my head, a curious look on my face. "You know, that's cool. Sure, we'll help out with the celebration, Core."

"Rockin'! I'll meet you guys in the garage!" He darted off with a salute and rock sign, and I heard the TARDIS' front door open then slam shut.

Gladius shook his hilt, letting out a sigh/laugh mix. Maple hummed quietly, finally relaxing his whip around my face and letting it fall weakly over my back.

"Well, I guess we got our day figured out", I said in a cheery tone, facing Gladius. He huffed, but shrugged regardless.

"And what is it?" A groggy voice mumbled as they entered the kitchen.

I turned to see a very sleepy and grumpy looking Amy trudge in, with her husband Rory following after her.

"Corey says he wants our help with some anniversary thing", I said simply with a shrug. "I think it'll be fun, so I'm gonna help. Although I think he's hoping The Doc will help, because of the whole time travelling thing."

Rory sighed. "Yeah, I'm not surprised. When there's a man with a Time Machine in your life, you'd want to make the most of it."

I smirked at the Ponds, and they looked at me. Then at each other, before blushing and avoiding my eye contact. I just laughed, and finished up my breakfast and left the married couple to their own devices. Entering the TARDIS' main room, I saw as most of the others were finally up and about.

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