The Next Step

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As we walked into the bar, I kept my head down, hoping I didn't get any attention to myself. Gladius had calmed down and was down the back of my shirt, staying absolutely silent. We entered the main part of the bar, Tapper running around like always. Ralph and Vanellope took a seat at the bar closest to the door, and I sat down next to the wrecker. Tapper immediately noticed our presence, and ran over.

"Nice to see you two again", he said happily to the others. When he glanced at me, I sank lower. "I heard Surge was looking for this kid." he whispered to Ralph

"Yeah, but he's fine", Ralph whispered, "Kid's been through a lot, so Surge isn't the best help right now." Tapper looked at me and twitched his moustache sadly, which made me look up at him and smile sadly in return.

"Well, if you guys trust them, good enough for me", he passed us three root beers, and I happily caught mine, as did Ralph and Vanellope.

"Thank you Tapper", I said quietly. The bartender nodded at me happily, then ran off to attend to the other patrons. I stared at my root beer for a bit before taking a sip, Gladius shifted slightly, but didn't do much more after. I could tell Ralph and Vanellope were obviously concerned for my well being, if my silence wasn't telling enough.

Ralph nudged me slightly. "Miss home, kid?" I dropped my face on the bar and groaned, Ralph sympathetically patting my back. "I'm sorry we can't do much to help you get home, kid, but if you just told us which game you're from, we can help."

I heard Vanellope glitch to the opposite side of me. "Yeah, just tell us where you came from."

I groaned. "I can't tell you guys", I said sadly, "It'll be too much for you both to handle."

I could feel Ralph and Vanellope share a sad look, but then a determined look. "Then we'll help you the best we can regardless. We'll make your life here at the arcade the best it can be." I looked up at Ralph with misty eyes, and smiled as Vanellope hopped up onto his shoulder.

"Thanks guys", I said quietly, "Every bit counts, I guess..." I was forced into a sitting position when Gladius pulled back. "Gladius!" I shouted quietly. "What the-"

"I'm sensing Surge '', He interrupted me. I looked over my shoulder in shock, while Ralph and Vanellope looked confused,

"How do you know that?" Vanellope said. Gladius wiggled nervously.

"It's his electricity. It's different for everyone else. Or something." He kept trying to pull me out of my seat. "But I can confirm he is here. He must've seen me, or someone else did and told him." That's when I snapped my head in front of me, and saw one of the cowboys looking at me weirdly.

"It was one of the cowboys", I told the others. Ralph and Vanellope looked at the cowboy in question and gained fearful expressions.

"We need to go, now", Ralph said with authority. Both me and Vanellope nodded, so Ralph quickly paid and we ran out just as Surge came through the curtain. I caught a quick glance at who was with him, and I felt my heart stop for a moment when I saw two Hero's Duty soldiers with him.

"He's got some of Calhoun's troops with him", I said fearfully.

"What?!" Vanellope shrieked. "But why?! He told us you didn't hurt anyone!"

"He's just being himself", Ralph growled. "Even when I didn't have anything with me, he'd stop me every time I'd leave Game Central."

I looked up at him fearfully, worried I'd be locked up in some prison for who knows how long. We quickly hopped onto the train again, the poor thing chugging along slowly. We heard shouting behind us and looked, only for me to climb behind Ralph as Surge Protector and the two soldiers just missed us. The security officer looked at me angrily, which just made me even more terrified.

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