King Of The Monsters

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The next morning was surprisingly quiet. I was the first one to wake up, so I scanned around at all the others. All of them were asleep peacefully, which made me swell with happiness. As carefully as I could, I rose from my spot and carefully began to make my way to the screens at the other end of the room. I weaved around Ralph's colossal mass, Steve's bed, and Jenny lying face first into the softness. As I kept dodging my sleeping friends, I passed by a sleeping Izzy, who was quietly yipping like a dog while kicking the air. I shook my head, smirking as she rolled over onto her stomach. It wasn't too hard to wiggle past the rest of my friends, and before I knew it I was sitting in that worn out office chair eyeing the screens.

The contestants had already begun the next challenge, which was being held inside another warehouse. From what I could tell, it was just a simple challenge of staying on a surfboard above a tank of water. It made me raise an eyebrow, but thinking back to the first challenge made me realise there had to be something else. And I immediately got my answer when a shark jumped out of the water and ate DJ's swimming trunks off his person. He let out a girlish squeal, grabbing one of the seagulls that were thrown at him and used it to cover his... nether regions. He then ran off, Chef snapping at him as he did so. I let out a quiet chuckle, then began to scan the other screens for any view for Zomboss.

It was just then I heard the door to the warehouse we were in. This made the others stir a bit, and I turned to the entrance to our hideout to see Zomboss walking in, taking his hat off his head and tossing it aside. Alfur, who was on the Zombie overlord's shoulder, hopped off and onto the desk.

"I'm assuming you're done?" I asked him in a whisper.

"Yes", Zomboss snarled, "My patience for Chris has run out."

"He's planning to take the remaining contestants to the previous place they held the show", Alfur explained, "for the rest of the challenge later. So the two of us agreed that we were both just going to wait things out here."

I nodded, but then noticed Zomboss had paused his changing to stare in shock at Izzy. "What is she doing here?" He asked, pointing a finger at the Psycho Hose Beast.

"Oh, yeah, she showed up last night", I explained, "She found out about us pretty quickly. We all talked about it, and she's now part of the crew."

Zomboss let out a sigh. "Of course. But honestly, I should've expected as much. This group will always be growing, and I just got to get used to that." He took off the blue button up and put his white lab coat back on. "Besides, the more meat I can hide behind, the better."

I rolled my eyes as the scientist walked off to continue changing, leaving me and Alfur on our own. It was then Izzy made her presence known by walking up to my side, letting out a yawn.

"Your buddy finally got back?" She asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Yep. He can be a bit rough, but he is chill", I said.

"I am not!" I heard him shout back. I rolled my eyes a second time as Izzy let out a snort.

"I don't believe we've been properly acquainted, my dear!" Alfur called up to the redhead. She looked down at the desk, looking around the surface to find the source of the voice.

"Who said that?" She said through squinted eyes. "Did the government bug me in my sleep?"

"No, that was Alfur", I explained. "Here." I showed her the tiny contract she had to sign to see him. She snagged a pen and messily signed, and instantly locked eyes with the tiny elf that stood before her.

"Huh", she said in a surprised tone, "When you said elf, I was thinking something like what Santa has."

"Elves come in all shapes and sizes, miss", Alfur explained.

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