Ursus Maximus

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I stepped out into the next day's somewhat cloudy morning after a fairly comfy sleep. I let out a yawn as I crawled out of the tent, my bed head licking just in front of my eyes. I parted my bangs with an impatient huff of air, then shook my head to finish it off.  With my hair somewhat dealt with, I slipped on my sweater and pulled out the headphones. I was still unsure where they came from, as I distinctly remember not having anything aside from the clothes on my back and Gladius when we started this crazy adventure.

Then I thought about it, and decided Gladius must've secretly bought me this pair when we were in Barranco's world at the mall.

With that put aside, I put on the headphones and started up my music. To fit where we are, I selected Touch The Sky from Brave's own soundtrack and let it loop. After that, I walked down towards the rocky shore of the lake and splashed cold water onto my face, trying to wake me up some more.

The chill jolted all the tiredness out of my system, and I sat back on the shore, idly skipping rocks across the water. My music's instrumentation fit the scenery before me perfectly, and I felt engrossed.

Looking over the castle, I could see something run across the bridge that led into the walls, and I smiled as the noticeable flickering orange flame of Merida's hair whipped around. She definitely knew how to stand out from a crowd. Smiling to myself, I stood up and took a step towards the forest...

Only to jump back when Angus jumped out from the bushes and landed stiffly right in front of me. Some dust was kicked up, and I could feel Merida's beaming smile as I fanned the dust away. I pulled my headphones off and let them rest around my neck.

"Howdy Merida!" I said happily.

The princess snorted. "Howdy, you bugger. What're you doin' this morning?"

"I could ask you the same thing!" Already it felt like we were siblings for years, and that made my heart sore. Returning my thoughts to right now, I shrugged. "Sh, just waking up. Thought cold lake water would help with that."

Merida, clearly feeling much more bubbly today, let out a laugh that made her fall off Angus. I was worried for only a split second, as she instantly stood back up with a bright smile, hands running through her hair to clear it out.

"Well, I've got some freedom today. The one day I get to just be me." Merida gave me an inviting look. "And I was hoping to get ye' roped up into it."

I smiled. "I'd love to. Just got to wait till Gladius is up. He'll panic if I'm not anywhere near him."

"I can see that", Merida said with a smirk. I noticed she was looking past me, and I spun around to see my sword companion rushing up to me, wearing his scabbard.

"Caleb!" The sword called in exasperation. "Please, if you're going to go off galavanting, at least wait for me."

"Noted, Gladdy", I said cheekily, making Merida release a loud laugh. The sword deflated a bit. "Merida was inviting me to tag along with her for her 'Don't Gotta Be A Princess' Day, and I want to go. You coming?"

Gladius sputtered. "Of course I am. The harsh Scottish wilderness is very dangerous."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure." I faced the princess. "Well, let's get going. Onwards and upwards, I always say!"

Merida beamed and helped me onto Angus' back. Gladius strapped the scabbard around me, and when we were all situated, we charged ahead.

Unlike yesterday, I cheered my head off as we raced through the forest. Gladius was silent, but judging by his wings holding onto my shoulders, he was tense but excited.

"WOOHOO!!!" I cried out as Angus jumped over a log. Merida, I guess as a flex of her skill, pulled out her bow and shot an arrow at a makeshift target all without us losing speed. I cheered again.

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