Macho Man VS Kind Kid

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I was with Gladius, Zomboss, Galacta, Barranco and Dave in a room that resembled something out of Star Wars. We were all around a low table that had a hologram projection of the mansion The Powerpuff Girls chased the ice cream truck back too. The same one that the party was at.

Majima was currently out with Star and Marco, the three of them hoping to cobble together some disguises for those going in, and to snag some invites.

"So, the party is all here in the courtyard", Zomboss began, holding a laser pointer as he marked out the courtyard. "And we can assume that the hallways leading to the bathroom and similar rooms are all available to the public. So that means we have space to stay in the crowd and not be suspicious."

"I'll provide aerial support with the girls", Galacta said in a firm tone.

But to all of our surprise, Zomboss shook his head. "I want you to be part of the team that'll be looping around the outside. The Powerpuffs can handle aerial support."

I gave a questioning look to the scientist, but he just ignored me and continued. "Since Majima knows what he's doing, he'll be living it up in the party with Caleb, Gladius, myself, Jennifer, Steven, Maria, Manolo and Hilda. Everyone else will be on the espionage side, searching for anything inconspicuous by sneaking around breaking in."

Barranco elbowed Dave and gave him a smug smirk. "Look at that. If this guy is the one behind your buddies going missing, then it'll be fun to trash his office."

The Minion gave the Rabbid a sinister grin. "Oh, you know it!"

I snorted at their banter, while Gladius hummed as he looked over the hologram, then the flyer in his wings. "This is a birthday... for the owner's son..." He hummed a second time, this time more unsure. "How are we sure Majima can get an invite? There's a lot of us sneaking in, and we... don't even know the owner's name."

Zomboss shrugged. "We'll just roll with it and see what happens. If there's flyers, then I assume just anyone is allowed in."

"From what I know", I added, "Big shots with money to spare tend to do these big extravagant parties as a sign of goodwill, and to flex their wealth."

Galacta hummed, and Zomboss coughed into his fist sheepishly.

"Well, whatever reason, we'll get in", I said with determination. "Even if Majima can't find invites, or if we just aren't allowed in, then we'll all just full send the 'breaking & entering' route side of our plan."

Barranco nodded and scribbled that down into a notebook that he... found? I shook the barrage of questions out of my mind as I looked to see Jenny and Steve wander in.

"What's the ETA on Majima's part of the plan?" Zomboss asked as he kept his eyes glued on the hologram, trying to find more entrances.

"He's got the clothes", Jenny replied as she stood to my right, sandwiching Gladius between us. "And Star was able to magic up some invitation duplicates. It'll give us special access to some areas."

Galacta hummed again. "That's good to hear. Once they get back, me, Zomboss and Goro will finalise the plan." Everyone nodded, and I left with Gladius, Jenny and Steve.

As we walked through the underground base, Steve spoke up. "Something about this whole thing feels off to me..."

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"It's just... Dave told us our first day here that the Minions are a decent secret", the crafter explained, "But yet someone is kidnapping them by the hundreds. What if... the kidnapper is someone who knew Gru and that he had this army with him?"

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